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Monaro Pioneers Newsletter
2014 Number 2
Hi Folks,
This year being the 100th anniversary of the 1st World War, it would be a fitting memorial if we could accumulate as many photos of WW1 diggers from the Eden Monaro region as possible. If you are familiar with the MP database then you probably already know you can use the "reports" option to create a list of all the WW1 Enlistees in our database. The report format now includes any photos we have of these service personnel and sadly there are not that many.
Therefore, I am appealing to you for help. If you have a photo of a family member or relative (preferably in uniform) who served in WW1 we would be most grateful for a copy to add to that individual's record and thus be displayed on our list of Anzacs.
It might be an impossible dream but the objective is to have a photo of all the brave men and women who served and particularly those who made the ultimate sacrifice.
Ian Harvey
Monaro Pioneers Project.
Barbara Derriman
Sent: Wednesday, 5 March 2014 12:17 PM
Subject: Updated information
Hello I have up dated information on a few families on you data base on Roots-web. on the following families. Quinn, Walsh, Stapleton etc families of the Cobargo, Bega and Quaama and also the Derriman family of Camden. How do you wish this information to be sent. I have crossed referenced everything with TROVE, Births, deaths & marriages and with known family facts.
Hi Barbara,
Please send your information to me and I will update our database.
Regards, Ian
Please find emclosed the quinn, stapleton , Walsh family.
Thank you Barbara, your information was very helpful.
Please use the search facility on our website www.monaropioneers.com because there is much more information contained therein compared to what we display on the Rootsweb site.
Regards, Ian
C & J Quill
Sent: Thursday, 20 February 2014 9:15 PM
Subject: Church marriage records
Hello Ian,
I’m very much a beginner in researching family history and would appreciate some guidance. I am interested in finding the Eden Roman Catholic church record of a marriage between Evir (Evan,Evar) Monsen and Mary Powell (nee Cleaver) in 1986 and the baptism record of their daughter Kathleen E Monsen in 1997. Could you tell me how I should go about this. I have seen the NSW bdm information, however that gives me little information about Evir of whom I’m interested in.I thought perhaps the church records may provide more about him. But I’m unsure how to find these records.
I’d appreciate any suggestion as to what I should do next.
Thanks in advance, Jewel
Hi Jewel,
I think you might have the dates wrong, I assume you mean 1896 and 1897. I suggest you order the marriage certificate or his death certificate via the online BDM index. I don't know if the church records exist or if they are available, perhaps the Historical Society in Pambula might be able to advise you.
Regards, Ian
Thank you Ian for your guidance. i do appreciate it. I have since registered on your site which is very impressive.
Many thanks again for your help.
Sent: Saturday, 1 March 2014 12:25 PM
Subject: Fraser Coat of Arms
Dear Ian,
I found your email on your website.
I'm a descendent of William Thomas Fraser from Adaminaby. My grandmother (Shirley Winifred Duggan nee Fraser) recently passed and was a proud Fraser. I thought it would be nice to have the Coat of Arms at the funeral but I'm confused as to what clan branch it is and there are quite a few versions of the Coat of Arms, I don't want to use the wrong one.
I was hoping you could point me in the right direction of the correct Crest, Coat of Arms, etc.
I would be happy to put some money towards your site and for your help.
Kind regards, Kelly Flahavin
Hi Kelly,
Sorry, I don't know the answer to your question but your email will appear in our next newsletter and perhaps one of our readers can help you.
Regards, Ian
Hi Ian,
That's ok the funeral is on Tuesday and I was hoping to get it before then. I'm afraid the next newsletter will likely be too late so I will keep looking before then. Thanks for your fast response.
Kind regards, Kelly Flahavin
From: Bruce Thornton
Sent: Friday, 28 February 2014 7:07 AM
Subject: RE: Your genealogy user account has been activated.
Hi I am the second son Bruce of Aubrey john Thornton and I have his birth date as 1914 not 1915. Also hi youngest brother Gregory is not on your records. I can supply some details of the different families if you wish.
Best Regards, Bruce Thornton
Hi Bruce,
1915 is the year shown on his WW2 record. Gregory Patrick Thornton is in our database but was shown as still living, however I have now found his death details - buried in Gungahlin Cemetery, ACT. Any additional information is very welcome.
Regards, Ian
From: bruce thornton
Sent: Thursday, 27 February 2014 8:00 PM
Subject: Proposed Change: Thornton, Aubrey John (I82346)
Proposed Change: Thornton, Aubrey John (I82346)
Tree: Eden Monaro Pioneers
Link: http://monaropioneers.com/TNG/getperson.php?personID=I82346&tree=MP
Description: can update the children, grandchildren and his missing brother gregory Patrick born 1920.
bruce thornton
Thank you for the offer Bruce, we do have that information in our database already but flagged as living so no details will display on our website.
Regards, Ian
Sent: Thursday, 27 February 2014 6:12 PM
Subject: Cooma to UK letter home 1849
Hi David,
In my ancestry research I came across the enclosed letter. In 1849 my 2x Great Grandmother wrote home to her father about their journey to the Cooma region. I thought it may have been of some interest to you and your project. It has a couple pictures in the PDF document but if you wish I could forward a JPG format pic. I would also be interested in receiving your Newsletter from time to time.
Thankyou, Gary J Carter
Thank you Gary,
Regards, Ian
A Monaro Pioneer letter home in 1849 from Anne Stop (nee) East to her family in Islip England.
Printed in Jacksons Oxford Journal on Sat 29 Dec 1849.
The following letter, addressed to Anne’s father Joseph East, Islip, Oxfordshire details of their first year in the colony and their journey from Sydney to Cooma :-
“My dear Father and Sister, and Brother, I write these few lines to you hoping to find you all well, as it leaves us at present, thank God for it. We got in harbour the 11th of June, when we lay there a week; but Sydney was so full of people that Government sends them up the country and we chose to go to Goulburn which was 120 miles, so the steamer came alongside our ship and took us to Parramatta. We stayed there a week and then started to Goulburn where George and the two boys were hired for three rations and 40/. Year, to go up to Cooling Down Monaro at Mr Ryerie’s 140 miles further up the country. We went by the drays and horses and we had to camp under the dray every night; it was very cold lodging my dear father. We saw many high mountains and we almost had to climb up them; but I would rather travel by sea than by land, although we were sea sick and the salt meat made me so ill that I could not stand up. We
suffered much with heat and cold; my little Emma caught the hooping cough, but she is now getting fat. Fanny wants to see her grandfather. We all had some grog when we passed the line, (Equator) but I am sorry to say Job Castle died; we were very sorry, for he only lived eleven weeks. There were 17 died, two men and two women all the other children.
My dear brother, send me word if my sister is to come or not; if she is, send me a word as soon as you know where she is. Give my love to Mary Young and all my brothers and sisters and Mr Field, Eliza Watson at Nake, Fanny Tipping and Jim and Tom.
My dear father, we saw the Black men and women naked. This is a good country for living. We have plenty of tea and sugar, meat and flour and our fire wood free. Our boys wish their uncle Joe was with us. Our station is two miles from the farm; another man and his wife lives at the farm that came in our ship. Our ship’s name is James Gibbs. Whit Sunday was a very big sea, for the jib-boom broke at the forecastle of the ship and we were rocked to and fro; I was much afraid but we got safe over to shore dear father. We had four large blankets out of the ship, two beds and two rugs to keep us warm and all our tin plates and mugs knives and forks.
Oh! My dear father, all the 240 miles we travelled was all a bush and the trees standing so thick, but they burn them down and not cut them. We passed cherry and tea trees, orange and lemon and many fine trees but the trees do not drop their leaves but shed their bark in winter, and with that bark they tile their houses.
Now my dear father this is a cold place where we live, but George says he will get to another station as soon as he can. Our master has many stations about the country. Dear father, the summer is over as soon as March is out; there is but four months of summer. The sun rises where yours sets and goes around to the left, so our night is when your day is. Dear father there is two mountains near us that are
called the Two Brothers; just in the form of a hay rick. We have the view of the Snowy Mountains, where is lays all the year. But I must leave off now. Give our love to James Randall and Dick Randall and all friends. Tell old Betty Simmonds I can put a cup full of tea in now at once. I wish Emma Simmonds had come with us she would get 1/. a year. Our young women most of them hired to go to Sydney, nine of the young men came up to Goulburn with us to the depot; they shot many fine birds some parrots and some cockatoos and flying squirrels. We saw the kangaroos and many things.
My dear brother, when you know where Fanny and Phillip Bowerman is, send me word what place it is that I may find her out, for I am anxious to know if she is come or not. Tell William Payne, George will send him a letter when he knows more about the country. Blacksmiths and shoemakers get plenty of work here.
My dear father, George wished you was with us; you could get 15/.and your rations only to round a flock of sheep 11 days on the plain. My dear father, we have to pay for all the sheep that is lost, unless we can find the skins of them. We can kill one when we like for our dogs, for we have got five of them. We have got a mill to grind our corn in, sometimes we have corn instead of flour.
We have 30lbs of flour, 30 lbs of meat, 6 lbs of sugar and 3 lbs of tea. Give my love to Mr John Alley, Mr Barry and Mrs Young, the dress maker.
There were seven ships in harbour when we were there, one landed with transports. (Convicts)
Dear Father we can get a fat bull for 1/. And we are 20 miles from an ale house. Joe should be here, he would get rich for all the old transports are farmers now.
My dear father, I must leave off now so no more at present.
Your loving daughter, Anne Stop.
George sends his best respects to Thomas Mitchell. I don’t know how to write, this is the first letter I ever wrote in my life so farewell.
From: Richard Summerrell
Sent: Thursday, 27 February 2014 2:32 PM
Subject: Thomas Brown (d1891) . Person ID - I97007
Dear Ian
The above-mentioned is my great grandfather who migrated from Ireland with his brothers in the 1850s and settled at Brown Mountain, near my home town of Bemboka. I have slowly been compiling information about he and his family and once I have completed this I would like to have it entered into the MP Database.
Quite a few of his relatives already appear in the Database but they have very little information associated with them and are not linked.
For example, Person ID I81513 is one of his sons and Person ID I269122 is almost certainly one of his brothers. Will these be linked automatically when you load my GEDCOM file (when I eventually get it to
you) or will I need to give you the person ID of each of the links that need to be made and let you know?
Also, will any Notes associated with an individual's Facts (in Family Tree
Maker) automatically be loaded from the GEDCOM file to the MP Database as well, or do I need to submit those as separate Word documents, as described on your Contact Us page?
I'd appreciate your advice please.
Also, I am a descendant of the former convict Thomas Warburton (d1879) who occasionally gets a mention in the Monaro Pioneers newsletter. In Newsletter
10 of 2012 a Chris Batten indicated (in an email dated 6 October 2012) that he would not mind having his email address forwarded to anyone with queries on the Warburton family (http://www.monaropioneers.com/Newsletter/MP%20NEWSLETTER%20-%202012%2010.ht
Could you possibly give me his email address please if you still have it in your records? I'm sorry it has taken me so long to get around to making this request.
Best wishes, Richard Summerrell
Frogmore NSW
Hi Richard,
Your input would be most welcome and I await your gedcom with eager anticipation. Any notes for individuals should transfer OK but as I don't use FTM myself I can only assume it will adhere to the gedcom 5.5 specs. I have linked the individuals you have nominated for you to check plus added what I "guess" would be other family members. When I receive your gedcom it will undergo a merge process with the MP database and hopefully that will trap any further disconnected family members as well.
The email address you seek is .. Chris Batten <…………….>
Regards, Ian
Jane Hughes
Sent: Tuesday, 25 February 2014 4:27 PM
Subject: just a note
havent been in for a while...but get the NEWSLETTERS STILL
wonderful BEAUTIFUL WORK all of you j. LOVELY SITE....j.
wow..... seems the genealogy search is on again for JOSEPH LAMBERT and crowd....groan grin
From: Lea Schuit
Sent: Monday, 24 February 2014 7:51 PM
Subject: Re: Comments
Hi Ian,
I wasn't after their contact details. What I was wondering is if Monaro could supply MY contact details to the person(s) who supplied the information to the database.
They might like to contact me as I feel we are related somewhere along the way.
Lea Schuit
> On 24 Feb 2014, at 6:05 pm, "Ian Harvey" <iansharvey@bigpond.com> wrote:
Hi Lea,
Unfortunately we do not have any contact details we can provide to you.
If you can add to our database we would be most grateful.
Regards, Ian
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Lea Schuit nee Cameron
> Sent: Monday, 24 February 2014 5:09 PM
> Subject: Comments
> Comments: Hello Ian,
> I noticed that John McGrath ID l142461(wife Sarah Leplaw) was last
> updated 4 Feb 2014 and in the notes he has been named as Aboriginal.
> I am the great granddaughter of Mahalia McGrath his daughter (1881-1951).
> She married my great grandfather Archibald Bruce CAMERON in 1902. They
> had a total of 9 children even though your site has 5 listed. I can
> update that at a later time for you.
> I have been chasing information on John for quite sometime to either
> confirm or deny my suspicions. The photos we have of Mahalia, her
> sister Elizabeth Ellen and brother John all indicate that John Senior
> was Aboriginal or part thereof.
> I was wondering if it was at all possible to pass on my email address
> to the giver of the Aboriginal information as I would love to confirm
> (for myself) that this is genuinely correct.
> I hope you are able to help me with this Ian.
> Kind regards,
> Lea Schuit
From: Greg Summerhayes
Sent: Monday, 24 February 2014 6:21 PM
Subject: Add information
Rebecca Hughes ID:1211448 was born Rebecca Mary NORTH on 12 July 1846 at Millbank near Goulburn. Parents were William North and Julia Aherne. She married (1) John Henry Hughes 1865, then Joseph Henry Colyer 1879. Cheers, Maggie Summerhayes
Thank you,
Regards, Ian
Merle Wong
Sent: Sunday, 23 February 2014 3:55 PM
Subject: Re: William PATTERSON and Jane MASSIE
Hi Ian,
I have William PATTERSON born 1849 Bullanamang, Via Bredbo, N.S.W. Australia. and died 20 Sept 1893 Brogo Near Bega, N.S.W.
who married Jane MASSIE who is in my Family Tree.
The Hay Newspaper is now online and I have found a wonderful obituary about Jane and William which I thought perhaps you might like.
The Riverine Grazier (Hay, NSW : 1873 - 1954) Tuesday 22 October 1935 p 2 Article
Mrs. Jane Patterson.
As briefly stated in our last issue, the death took place on Friday, at her home, Karori, Orson Street, of Mrs. Jane Patterson, widow of the late William Patterson, and one of the best known residents of the town.
The deceased was the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Robert Massie, and was born at Guildford, Victoria, a little over 81 years ago. Her parents afterwards came to Hay, with their family, and for many years played an active part in the progress of the town. Incidentally, it might be mentioned that she was the last survivor of that one-time widely known family. She did not, however, accompany them to Hay, but was married on the 10th January, 1877, to William Patterson, a Monaro native, at Lancefield, Victoria. Some time later the young couple went to the Hillston district, where Mr. Patterson conducted the Roto Hotel, and carried out contracting work. A severe drought some fifty years back made that venture an unsuccessful one, and Mr. Patterson made his way to Sunny Corner, to try his luck at mining. Then he became a mail coach driver for a man named Drew; later on he and another driver named Coomber took over the contract, and completed the term. Subsequently another contractor named Stevens secured the mail, and Patterson drove for him. During this period he met with a bad accident, which entailed an incapacity of twelve months.
Owing to the brakes failing to act going down hill, the coach came on to the horses, which bolted and overturned the coach at the foot of the hill, Patterson sustaining a broken thigh. He atterwards drove an express delivery from Orange to Forbes, and while doing so took an action against Stevens, in which he secured a verdict for £100. An appeal follow
ed, and the verdict went against Patterson, who was forced to dispose of his plant to meet the cost. Mr. Patterson next tried his hand at dairying at Candelo, and later on the Upper Brogo, near Cobargo. He died there on the 20th September, 1893, and was buried at Bega. Mrs. Patterson was left in a particularly difficult position. She had a family of
eight children, the eldest 15, and she was faced with the problem of finding a living for them. There were no widows' pensions, or societies to help struggling mothers in those days, and she had to meet a particularly cheerless position. But she faced it with great bravery and resource. She carried on for a time, and then moved to Tantawanglo, at the foot of the Brown Mountain.
About this time her eldest son, Colin, came to Hay for medical attention, and she shortly afterwards followed with her family. Just about the time of her departure a fire swept the dairy farm and she lost some of her scanty property as a result. The deceased made her home in Hay about 40 years ago, and set about earning a living for her family. She had resided here ever since, spending the latter part of her life in congenial surroundings in the midst of her family — a fitting reward after the stress of her earlier days.
Of a kind and sympathetic nature, coupled with a very practical turn of mind, Mrs. Patterson made many friends, who will ever recall her memory with gratefulness. There was no case of illness or hardship which came to her hearing, but she was anxious to try and assist in relieving, and her practical methods were always most commendable.
During the period of the Great War she was a very active worker in the matter of providing comforts for district men at the front.
The funeral took place on Saturday afternoon, and was well attended by friends of the family, and others who took the opportunity to pay a last tribute of respect. The Rev. H. D. Mackie presided at a short service at the home of deceased, and also at the graveside. After the service Mr. Mackie took the opportunity to make a few observations on the life of Mrs. Patterson, who, he said was a remarkably brave woman, who had faced difficulties and hardship with a wonderful courage and resource, and always found time to assist others in meeting difficult positions. She made other people's
burdens her own, and tried with her great smypathy and help to smooth them away.
There was a great wealth of floral offerings, including wreaths from the Women's Guild of the Presbyterian Church, Presbyterian Church Congregation, Murrumbidgee Lodge, Hay Sub-branch R.S.S.I.L.A., Women's Auxiliary R.S.S.I.L.A., W. G. Butterworth and Co., and Wilkinson and Lavender Ltd. The remains were interred in the plot where her mother and father rest.
A memorial service at the Presbyterian Church, of which Mrs. Patterson had through all the years been a staunch supporter, was held on Sunday night, when Mr. Mackie again paid a high tribute to the life of the deceased.
The surviving members of the family are: Ina (Mrs Hayes, of Hay) ; Belle (Mrs. D. Williams, Bexley, Sydney); Ettie (Mrs. H. Lucas, of Bexley, Sydney); Jennie (Mrs. W. C. Clark, of Yurdyilla, Hay); and Jessie (Mrs. R. B. Mateer, of Hay); Colin W., Hurstville, Sydney; Robert H., Hay; and Leslie A., Nowra. There are 29 grandchildren and seven great grandchildren.
Regards from Merle Wong
Thank you,
Regards, Ian
From: Warren Rofe
Sent: Saturday, 22 February 2014 4:22 PM
Subject: Proposed Change: McMiles, William Forsyth (I106961)
Proposed Change: McMiles, William Forsyth (I106961)
Tree: Eden Monaro Pioneers
Link: http://monaropioneers.com/TNG/getperson.php?personID=I106961&tree=MP
Description: William was born on 21 April 1876 at Old Kilpatrick near Renfrew , Scotland. He died on 30 March 1968 at Wyong NSW.
William's father, Joseph, was born at Antrim, Ireland in 1846 and died on 17 July 1911 in Liverpool, NSW. His mother, Elizabeth Shirley, was born in 1838 in Northern Ireland and died in 1938, probably in Burwood NSW.
William was my maternal grandfather.
Warren Rofe, Cooma NSW
Thank you,
Regards, Ian
From: Margaret Cliffe
Sent: Saturday, 22 February 2014 1:37 PM
Subject: Proposed Change: Noffz, Erwin Keith Bernhardt (I96764)
Proposed Change: Noffz, Erwin Keith Bernhardt (I96764)
Tree: Eden Monaro Pioneers
Link: http://monaropioneers.com/TNG/getperson.php?personID=I96764&tree=MP
Description: ID I96764 for my grandfather. Edit of his name
Erwin Karl Hugo Noffz.
Date of death 13.4.1983 Manly, NSW.
I will send a copy of his birth certificate to your email.
Margaret Cliffe
Thank you,
Regards, Ian
Sent: Friday, 21 February 2014 5:13 PM
Subject: Emily Fallon
Hi Ian Firstly let me introduce myself.My name is Robert (Bob) Fallon.I am a direct decendant of Patrick Fallon who came from Ireland to Australia in 1842.His eldest son was my grandfather.I have been doing research into the Fallon family.On both Patricks and his wifes death certificates children of the marriage includes an Emily . Whilst I can source documentation on all the other children of the marriage I can not find anything that connects Emily to either Patrick or his wife.It is my intention to make an interstate trip to Yass and surrounding districts if necessary in a few months time to further my research and hopefully solve the "Emily mystery" I would be very grateful if you could advise me who are the best people and what places I should visit when I arrive.
Yours in anticipation Bob.
Hi Bob,
Perhaps "Emily" is the Sarah E. Fallon (1867-1897) in our records.
Patrick's son John had a daughter Elizabeth Emily (1881-1960).
According to the Yass Courier Patrick had 9 children which is what we show in our database.
Fallon Mr Patrick, brother to the late Mrs Brassil of Waroo died on Monday at North Yass aged 78 years, leaving seven surviving children from nine. Yass Courier 16.7.1897.
As for your visit to Yass, I suggest you contact http://www.hagsoc.org.au/ to answer your questions.
Regards, Ian
Bob & Gail
Sent: Friday, 21 February 2014 4:56 PM
Subject: John Downing and Robert Downing.
Hi Ian,
I have been researching my 2xgrgrandfather and have finally claimed John Downing/ey as him. When they were convicted on 18Mar1830 at Tralee, Co Kerry Ireland John’s age was 18 and Robert’s 17 so I would suggest the ages are incorrect.
My John Downey as he was known and married as and fathered children as only once as Downie had 11 children all born in the Murrumbidgee area.
I have been researching him in depth and have realised that Robert and his convict status was well hidden until recently.
If you would like to email me I can enlighten his history.
Can you also advise me if there are any photos of the Downing’s graves in the Tumut Pioneer cemetery.
Regards Gail Cowie nee Downie
Hi Gail,
The only information we have so far is what is displayed on our website. If you are able to provide the family tree details for John we would be most appreciative. As yet we have no grave photos.
Regards, Ian
Hi Ian,
I have been entering downing/ey information into my family tree and have noticed
a couple of errors on your site. I hope that you dont mind me pointing them out
but to amend them would give you a more accurate family tree.
Firstly, the Robert (1st) Downing was born in Co Kerry Ireland abt 1812 Mother
Bridget Burns. He married Margaret Quilty and had 15 children
The 1st one Bartholomew downing b 1844 d 1845
2.Robert (2nd) born 1844 d 1893 ( married Rebecca Gelling)
3.Thomas Joseph b1846 d 1915
4.John Downing b1848 d1922
5. Anne and all of the rest are correct.
You can see by the amendments that Bartholomew was an independent birth to
Robert (2). On your sheet you had
1. Bartholomew "Robert" b 1844 with Robert (2) details. Then again at No4 you
again had Robert (2) b 1845 with the same details.
When you amend these corrections Robert (2) will show Robert (1) convict as
father Margaret Quilty as mother.
I have attached my Family group Sheet for my John Downing/ey who was a brother
to Robert. There is also another brother Bartholomew Downing (same parents) who
died 22/8/1885 Tumut NSWBDM14714/1885.Probate was granted on 26/11/1885 NSW
State records Ser.3-12333. No 13660. I haven't located him yet.......
Regards Gail Cowie
Thank you,
Regards, Ian
C & J Quill
Sent: Thursday, 20 February 2014 9:15 PM
Subject: Church marriage records
Hello Ian,
I’m very much a beginner in researching family history and would appreciate some guidance. I am interested in finding the Eden Roman Catholic church record of a marriage between Evir (Evan,Evar) Monsen and Mary Powell (nee Cleaver) in 1986 and the baptism record of their daughter Kathleen E Monsen in 1997. Could you tell me how I should go about this. I have seen the NSW bdm information, however that gives me little information about Evir of whom I’m interested in.I thought perhaps the church records may provide more about him. But I’m unsure how to find these records.
I’d appreciate any suggestion as to what I should do next.
Thanks in advance, Jewel
Hi Jewel,
I think you might have the dates wrong, I assume you mean 1896 and 1897. I suggest you order the marriage certificate or his death certificate via the online BDM index. I don't know if the church records exist or if they are available, perhaps the Historical Society in Pambula might be able to advise you.
Regards, Ian
From: n.sample
Sent: Wednesday, 19 February 2014 5:20 PM
Subject: Information on Kathleen Madge Kennedy
Please note the following correction and information:
Kathleen Madge Hamilton born-22-10-1915 died 1-6-2000 Married Edward William
Kennedy 18-9-1936 (born 2-11-1917 died 3-9-1984)
Bride: Father - William Hamilton
Mother- Bodelia Luton
Groom: Father - Edward William
Mother- Agnes(Alice) Beattie
Children: Maureen Dawn 1937
Noelien Ann 1938
Sincerely, Noelien Sample
Thank you,
Regards, Ian
From: Jenny Morris
Sent: 2014-02-16 6:06 PM
To: David Knox
Subject: Errors in parker Family tree on Monaro Pioneers and Ancestry
Hello David,
i have been looking for living descendants of my great grandmother Louisa Adelaide PARKER to come to the 100 year Anniversary of the Exeter Train Disaster in NSW on 13 March 2014. I have found several errors on ancestry and monaro pioneers, especially in relation to her husband's parents. I am attaching a document which proves the correct information and I hope you can at least correct the Monaro Pioneers database.
Thank you, regards Jenny Morris
Thanks for letting us know.
Regards, Ian
Sent: Sunday, 16 February 2014 3:42 PM
Subject: Correction .ID: I8925 Emily Jane TINGEY
I am the granddaughter of Emily Jane Tingey. Your website is fantastic and the work that has been undertaken is commendable. There are, however, some errors with respect to the family of Emily Jane. I have copied the entry with my corrections and or additions in red.
· Name: Emily Jane TINGEY
· Given Name: Emily Jane
· Surname: Tingey
· Sex: F
· Birth: 1890 in Crankies Plain near Bombala, NSW
· Death: 17 Aug 1976 in Burwood, NSW
· Burial: Rookwood Cemetery, NSW
William George SINCLAIR
b: 1883 in Petersham, NSW
William George Sinclair B: 21 August 1889, Carlton, Melbourne , Victoria
· ID: I8941
· Name: William George SINCLAIR
· Given Name: William George
· Surname: Sinclair
· Sex: M
1883 in Petersham, NSW 21 August 1889, Carlton,
Melbourne , Victoria (certificate attached)
· Death: 24 Nov 1965 in Burwood, NSW 2
· Burial: Rookwood Cemetery, NSW 3
William Henry SINCLAIR
1913 in Manly, NSW
Cassiar SINCLAIR b:
Abt 1915 in Manly, NSW
Peggy Eileen SINCLAIR
b: 1916 in Manly, NSW
Evelyn SINCLAIR b: 1917
in Manly, NSW in Queensland
4.Reta SINCLAIR b:1919
5. Jean Leslie SINCLAIR b: 1921 in NSW
b: 1926 in Manly, NSW
SINCLAIR b: 1928 in
Manly, NSW
If you have any question please do not hesitate to
contact me.
Regards, Christine Darlington
Thank you Christine,
Regards, Ian
Colin Ogle
Sent: Saturday, 15 February 2014 3:23 PM
Subject: Update to Stephen Deegan
Hi Ian,
I have some convict information for Stephen Deegan (Person ID: I87564.)
I will try and provide source information for you to check. If you would like I can provide copies of the information. As some of it will be from ancestry.com.au I don't know how the copyright laws play out.
Stephen Deegan was born around 1807 in Wicklow County Ireland. He was convicted as Stephen Deigan for Sheep Stealing on 26 Mar 1829 at Carlow and sentenced to 7 years.(1.) He was transported on the vessel Larkins(2) which departed Cork on 16 Aug 1929 and arrived in Sydney on 12 Dec 1829.
On arrival he (Deigan) was assigned to Richard Ridge at Portland Head out near Windsor.(2.)
On 11 January 1831 he was indicted for Larceny with two other men and found guilty by jury and sentenced to a penal settlement for two years by the Windsor bench.(3.)
On 18 Jan 1831 to Hulk on Sydney Harbour (4.)
on 3 Feb 1831 to Moreton bay for two years on ship Governor Phillip. (5.)
31 Aug 1832 to 23 Nov 1832 was Wardsman at Moreton bay Hospital (6.)
On 15 Feb 1833 from Moreton bay on Governor Phillip to hulk in Sydney then on to Hyde Park Barracks. (7.) Appears on database at Hyde Park Barracks.
04 Apr 1833 Sydney Gazette Stephen Deegan Convict assigned to Rev John Vincent, Sydney, as a farm servant.(8.)
11 May 1838 Certificate of Freedom 35/410 issued. Index on ancestry.com.au will show Stephen Dugan and Certificate will be for Stephen Deigan.(9.)
(1.) Source: NSW, Australia, Convict Indents, 1788-1842 on Vessel Larkins(2)
(2.) Source: NSW, Australia, Settler and Convict Lists, 1787-1834
(3.) Source: Sydney Gazette, 20 Jan 1831, page 3
(4.) Source: NSW, Australia, Gail Description and Entrance Books, 1818-1930
(5.) Source: Page 32, 4/3897 on Reel No. 1062
(6.) Source: Qld family History Society Pre Separation population Index
(7.) Source: Page 241 Location 4/3898 Reel 1063.
(8.) Source: Sydney Gazette, 04 April 1833, Page 2
(9.) Source: NSw, Australia, Certificate of Freedom, 1810-1814, 1827-1867
Kind Regards, Colin Ogle
Thank you Colin,
Regards, Ian
From: Rowena Oliver
Sent: Friday, 14 February 2014 4:18 PM
Subject: Comments (Tree: Eden Monaro Pioneers)
Comments (Tree: Eden Monaro Pioneers): Hello.. I was wondering if you could update my father-in-law's details (id I60429 ).
Barry Bartley OLIVER
Born 25/03/1940 Delegate,
Died 07/02/2014 Canberra,
Buried 13/02/2014 Delegate.
Thank you... Rowena Oliver
Thank you,
Regards, Ian
Ramsay, Sid MR
Sent: Thursday, 13 February 2014 2:51 PM
Subject: Valarie Pearl Croker missing daughter of Sidney Samuel CROKER
Firstly I would like to complement you on the website, it is tremendous.
Secondly, I think I have found an omission from your site. Attached is my grandmother's (Valarie Pearl Croker) Marriage Certificate which states she was married in 1930 (age 18) and her parents were Sidney Samuel CROKER (noting he was deceased) and Ann Emalah TRAVERS. In the roots directory (refer to below extract) it does not list her as an offspring.
Could you please let me know if I am wrong, as I will have a lot of work to start over if I am.
1 Sidney Samuel CROKER b: 1862 d: 1923
+ Ann Emalah TRAVERS b: 1873 d: 1943
2 Vivian Sydney CROKER b: 1894 d: 1944
+ Minnie HAHN
2 Annie M. CROKER b: Abt 1896 d: 1901
2 Iveno S. CROKER b: 1898
+ Living
2 Rose A. CROKER b: 1900
2 Daisy L. CROKER b: 1901
2 May A. W. CROKER b: 1903 d: 1903
2 Philomena Mary CROKER b: 1905
+ William Patrick ALLARD
2 Melinda E. CROKER b: 1908
Sid Ramsay MMgtStud
Hi Sid,
Thank you for the information. I am unable to find a birth registration for Valarie so perhaps her age on the marriage certificate was exaggerated. I will amend our records to add Valarie Pearl and her husband,
Regards, Ian
Kym Annetts
Sent: 2014-02-16 5:55 PM
Subject: ADDED Henry Ball & Family
Hi David,
I was wondering if you could put the following request in your next newsletter, please.
Re: “Clerk of the Course” Seymour Races, Adaminaby
The Manaro Mercury, and Cooma and Bombala Advertiser (NSW : 1862 - 1931), Saturday 15 April 1871
Part of an article I found on TROVE, in reference to a Race Meet on Easter Monday of 1871, refers to Mr H Ball (my GGGandfather) as follows:
“Great credit is due to the race stewards and those who were connected with the management of the Easter races, which passed off in a truly orderly manner. Mr H Ball, adorned with a robe of scarlet, discharged the clerkship with satisfaction to all. The entrances were opened at the Rose Hotel”..........
Wondering if anybody has any leads as to where I would obtain information about the races held during that late 19th century? photos would be a bonus.
Thanking all in advance
Kym Annetts (nee Ball)
Paul Fergus
Sent: Thursday, 13 February 2014 10:24 AM
Subject: John Curtis
Dear Ian
I refer to the letter from Mary Wilson in the February issue of the Monaro Pioneers newsletter in which she sought to correct some errors in my letter of April 2013. I must concede Mary's point that I overstated the case when I said that the son of John Curtis and Ann Moran had a single given name "John". What I should have said is that the Registrar of Births Deaths & Marriages in New South Wales appears to have been notified of only one given name. Although, since that John and Ann brought their children up as Catholics, it is quite conceivable that their son, John, would have taken the second given name "Joseph" at the time of his baptism or confirmation. Indeed, Joseph seems to have been used quite frequently in later generations as a second given name. I wonder whether it might have been Ann Moran's father's name.
Having said that, my concern was to correct an error about Ann family name that had appeared in the Monaro Pioneers data relating to George Eccleston and his descendants (my line of descent). This was a statement that the family name of the mother of Catherine Curtis (George Eccleston's wife) was " Feaghan". From what you told me in April 2013 this information came from Ancestry.com. John Curtis is not in my direct line of descent so that I have not taken a particular interest in him. However, when I investigated the Ancestry.com information I found that the information relied on Queensland death certificate 1890/23331. Attached is a copy of that death certificate.
I do not dispute Mary Wilson’s interesting information about the son of John Curtis and Ann Moran being married twice and moving between New South Wales, Victoria and outback Queensland. This information is consistent with the little that I know about him. However, I still maintain my point that Queensland death certificate 1890/23331 is not the death certificate for the son of John Curtis and Ann Moran. First, I do not understand Mary's point that Margaret Curtis could not have notified the Registrar of Births Deaths & Marriages in Queensland of his death in 1890. The office of Registrar existed in 1890 and there is no reason to think that Margaret Curtis, at the age of about 66, would not have been competent to notify the Registrar of her husband's death and his details. Secondly, I think there are too many discrepancies between confirmed information about the son of John Curtis and Ann Moran and statements in this death certificate to think that it relates to him. For example, Margaret Curtis clearly stated that her husband's mother's name was "Ann Feaghan" and there is no reason to think that she would have been mistaken about this. Additionally, it is presuming a lot to suggest that a clerk in the office of the Registrar of Births Deaths & Marriages in Queensland would make the mistake of recording that the deceased person had been born in South Wales if the informant had said "New South Wales". Finally, the death certificate clearly states that the deceased person had lived in Australia for 70 years but was 81 years of age at the time of his death. Again, this would be an unlikely mistake for a clerk to make on the basis of information provided by the deceased person’s wife.
I know from the baptismal records of John Curtis's English born children (obtained from the Bristol Public Record Office, Smeaton Road, Bristol) that the third child of John Curtis and his English wife, Jane Purrier, was baptised in the church of St Philip and St Jacob in Bristol in February 1778. This child, if he lived, would have been aged about 31 years in 1809 when his half-brother was born in Toongabbie. It is quite conceivable that he would have had a son born in 1809 in South Wales, the same year as the child's uncle was born in Toongabbie. It is interesting to speculate whether he and his son, the grandson of John Curtis and Jane Purrier, might have migrated to Australia about the time John Curtis died in 1821.
Mary corrected the mistake about the Irish County in which Ann Moran was born. I agree with this correction although I have not been able to confirm the statement that Ann Moran was born in Co Meath. Undoubtedly, she was convicted at the Summer Assizes in Trim in September 1797 but this does not mean she was born in that county. However, research I undertook in the National Library of Ireland in 2013 showed that a man by the name of Thomas Treacy was convicted on the same day for an act of insurrection and sentenced to execution. He was accused of being a member of the United Irishmen who were then building up to the rebellion against the English in 1798. I wonder whether she might have been connected with him in some way, perhaps his sister, wife or friend. In any event, the Muster Roll relating to the Hercules on which she was transported to Australia in 1802 shows that she was transported for life like her husband, John Curtis.
Regards, Paul Fergus
Hi Paul,
Thanks for the input. I am not in a position to adjudicate either way and suggest that perhaps you and Mary collaborate to settle the question.
Regards, Ian
Daeng eggdish
Sent: 2014-02-08 11:17 PM
Hi Ian
Even though my FamHist enthusiasm has waned over the last couple of years after
the first wash of excitement, I still treasure your emails advising of a new
newsletter. They are easy to skim with the surnames highlighted, and deeper
delving shows great depth too.
This time, I have a hit which interests me. I wonder if it would be possible to
put me in contact with Janise Farrell (nee Shanley) and also Jen Ring. Their
emails appear below for your reference. Not that I have much to do with their
families (my link is rather tangential), although I have done my research there,
but that I could put them in contact with other descendants.
Crossing my fingers that this is possible.
many thanks, and keep up the terrific work!
Greg Wadeson
Hi Greg,
The email addresses are:
Janise Farrell <…………….@gmail.com>
Jen Ring <……………@bigpond.com>
Regards, Ian
From: Janise Farrell
Sent: Thursday, 16 January 2014 12:03 AM
Subject: Apologies
Hello again,
I have been researching the children of Edward and Bridget Moore (amongst
others). My ancestor was the eldest son, William Moore (born 1846), the father
of Rachel Moore (1878 - 1951), who married William Shanley (1887 - 1950).
I have noticed some errors on the site. The date of death given for William
Moore is given as 28 August, 1912, but that was actually the date of his wife,
Dorcas Keeling's, death. The death notice for her in the Sydney Morning Herald
(31st August, 1912) mentions Dorcas as being his wife, but no mention is made of
his death.
Instead, William Moore died on July 7, 1917. There is a death notice for him in
the Bombala Times of 13 July, 1917. This corresponds with a later notice of
thanks from his son John Moore for expressions of sympathy in the Manaro Mercury
of 20 July, 1917. Most importantly, it corresponds to the death certificate for
a William Moore of Cooma in 1917.
The sticking point there is that his parents are listed as Lewis and Bridget.
The death certificate for William Moore states his father as 'Lewis', but I am
certain he is the William Moore of the family of Edward and Bridget Moore. A
newspaper report about the death of John Moore states him to be the father of
both John and George Henry Moore. Many of the Moore siblings lived around him at
Dry Plain and his land bordered the residence of Edward and Bridget at
The 1891 census lists those residing with him at Black Spring as 4 males and 4
females. (It was earlier in the year that daughter Annie was born) and the 1901
census lists there as being 4 males and 5 females (as Annie is now included).
There is a lot of evidence for the William Moore who died on 7 July, 1917 as
being 'our' William Moore, so I hope you will feel comfortable about changing
his date of death.
The other change relates to his brother, Edmund. Edmund was actually Edward in
all but his birth certificate. (His father's name was also incorrectly recorded
as Edmund on the birth certificate).
Edward Moore was born in 1848. He was a successful farmer and owned property
from Berridale, Dry Plain, Numeralla to Nimmitabel. This fact is mentioned in
his many death notices (some of which say he was 77 at his death, others say he
was 87). He was a prominent character as he was the president of the Monaro
shire in 1927 and served on many pastural committees. He married Mary Sheehy in
1886 and their son, Clarence Edward Moore, ran for the legislative assembly in
In addition to Edward's death certificate (of 1936) naming his parents as Edward
and Bridget Moore, he is named as a surviving brother in the death notice for
Annie Lynch (nee Moore) in the Manaro Mercury of July 20, 1928.
I'm certain that Edmund Moore is really Edward Moore and he and his descendants
seem to be missing from your site completely. Would you mind changing Edmund to
Full details to be changed or included for both brothers.
William Moore: died 7 July, 1917 in Black Spring, near Dry Plain. NSW BDM
Edward Moore: born 1848, Cooma. NSW BDM #V18481508 66/1848.
Married Mary Sheehy in 1886 in Cooma. NSW BDM# 6059/1886.
Died 1936 in Bondi (according to death notice), registered at Waverley. NSW BDM
# 4541/1936.
Please let me know if you require any further information.
Thank you so much (and also for your wonderful site).
Kind regards, Janise Farrell (nee Shanley)
Thank you Janise, I will amend our
Can you supply more complete details on Mary Moore nee Sheehy and her children.
Also her parents if possible.
Regards, Ian
Hi Ian,
I'm sorry it took me a while to get back to you. I'm supposed to be writing my PhD, so researching my family history is a very guilty distraction.
You asked for more details about Mary Sheehy, her children and parents.
Mary Sheehy was born in Cooma in 1862 (NSW BDM: 7129/1862) and died in Nimmitabel in 1916 (NSW BDM: 19615/1916).
Her parents were William and Catherine Sheehy. You have them and their family here:
but no mention is made of Mary, who was born the year after William and Catherine arrived in Australia from Ireland.
Mary married Edward Moore in Cooma in 1886. (NSW BDM: 6059/1886)
Mary and Edward had four children. I haven't found dates of death for them, I'm afraid.
Mary, born in Cooma in 1890. (NSW BDM: 10982/1890)
William, born in Cooma in 1893. (NSW BDM: 11353/1893)
Ellen, born in Cooma in 1897. (NSW BDM: 2517/1897)
Clarence Edward, born in Cooma in 1905. (NSW BDM: 22243/1905)
Thank you for your interest.
Kind regards, Janise
Thank you Janise,
Regards, Ian
From: Jen Ring
Sent: Thursday, 9 January 2014 11:08 PM
Subject: Shanley family
Hi Ian,
I am wondering what has happened to the extensive information regarding the Shanley family? It appears to me that Matthew Shanley's branch of the tree
has been deleted, I contributed to this informations a few years ago and find it disappointing to find it missing.
Thanks, Jen Ring
Hi Jen,
The must be some confusion, Matthew Shanley, son of James Shanley and Ann Carroll (born June 15, 1844 Caddigat, died January 1, 1923 Adaminaby and is buried in the Old Adaminaby Cemetery along with his wife Elizabeth Chalker (1849-1922). His details along with his descendants are still in our database and are available on our website. I assume, since you have now registered to access the database and you have viewed Matthew's records therein you have answered your own question.
Regards, Ian
Paul Dakin
Sent: 2014-02-09 4:36 PM
Subject: request to be entered into next newsletter
I am a direct descendant of George Sims and his first wife Elizabeth. Elizabeth was transported to Australia from Ireland and then married George Sims. Elizabeth died on the 18th November, 1877.
I am trying to find information about Elizabeth, or even possibly a photo of her. I have had contact with others before but have had no luck in turning up information. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Frith Firman
Everything we have is in our database and available for viewing on our website.
Regards, Ian
John Tozer
Sent: 2014-02-10 11:17 PM
Subject: ANZAC
I believe I have located another ANZAC for your WW1 list:
Charles Albert Sims was the brother of Walter George Sims who is included in your list of World War 1 soldiers. Charles Albert is referred to as 33.Samuel Charles Albert in the Sims family genealogy. His service details are provided in the text that accompanies the photo of Walter George Sims in the War Memorial collection. The reference for the photo is No. P05722.001 and the text states that Walter's brother Charles Albert enlisted with Walter - their service numbers are 4373 (Charles) and 4375 (Walter), both in the 11th Reinforcements of the 29th Battalion. This is confirmed by the NAA Service Record for Charles. At one time Charles was confused with Walter to the point that he (rather than Walter) is recorded as being Killed in Action.
I am not sure if you are free to copy the War Memorial photo of Walter George for your collection of serving men.
Regards, John Tozer
Thank you John,
Regards, Ian
Sent: 2014-02-09 6:51 PM
Subject: Re: MONARO PIONEERS NEWSLETTER - 2014 Number 1
Afternoon David,
Thank you for your email.
May I ask you if we are able to add Robert Bridle to your Pioneers? I know that William Bridle his brother is on your site
Thank you again for all your work regarding Monaro Pioneer's Newsletter and Website.
Best regards, Eugenie Bruning
Hi Eugenie,
If you are referring to the Robert Bridle whose brother William married Martha Miles then I am happy to say he is already in our database shown as married to Margaret Cole with 11 children.
Regards, Ian
delegate progress association
Sent: Wednesday, 12 February 2014 3:56 PM
Subject: WW1 Men from Snowy River
Hi Ian,
I have almost completed a book on the historic Men from Snowy River route march, which took place in 1916, commencing in Delegate and ending in Goulburn. I have some photos, but would like some more from the Cooma, Snowy River Shires. I have a list of names of the men who enlisted in Cooma and Nimmitabel. I thought perhaps you may have some on your Monaro Pioneers site, and if would be very grateful if I could use them. I have a number of group photos, but am now looking for photos of individuals. Hoping you may be able to help. We have researched old newspaper files and a few stories about men from the Cooma area but would be grateful if you could provide anything. There is a move to re-enact the March in October next year, which is not the original date but the powers that be want all marches to arrive in Sydney on 11th November, 2015.
Looking forward to hearing from you,
Cheers, Natalie
Hi Natalie,
You are welcome to use any images we have on our website and/or in our database.
Regards, Ian
Hi again Natalie,
I have created a new report within our database which lists all the Snowy River marchers I have been able to identify. The first field is their database id and is a link to their individual record in our database which will contain any photos we may have each individual. I hope this is helpful.
Regards, Ian
From: Forrest
Sent: Wednesday, 12 February 2014 1:31 PM
Subject: lynch family tree - monaro pioneers web site
Hello Ian
I am interested in viewing the Lynch family tree on the Monaro pioneers web site
My interest is in the Eather family - i am a committee member for the family research
are you able to permit viewing the files
cheers, peter moore
woy woy nsw
Hi Peter,
Our database is freely available for viewing but you will need to register for a userid.
Regards, Ian
From: Patricia McGufficke
Sent: Wednesday, 12 February 2014 1:14 PM
Subject: Proposed Change: Kirk, Ida (I2281)
Proposed Change: Kirk, Ida (I2281)
Tree: Eden Monaro Pioneers
Link: http://monaropioneers.com/TNG/getperson.php?personID=I2281&tree=MP
Description: Ida born 1906 Bemboka, NSW, died 26 May 1966 Marrickville.
PEISLEY Ida Death notice 26MAY1966 Death late of Marrickville Sydney Morning Herald 27MAY1966
Patricia McGufficke
Regards, Ian
From: Patricia McGufficke
Sent: Wednesday, 12 February 2014 12:47 PM
Subject: Proposed Change: Douch, William John (I13180)
Proposed Change: Douch, William John (I13180)
Tree: Eden Monaro Pioneers
Link: http://monaropioneers.com/TNG/getperson.php?personID=I13180&tree=MP
Description: William and Sarah married in Elizabeth Street, Sydney. They gave their ages as 21 but this was not correct. He was actually 20yrs 9mths, she was 18. It is thought they may have eloped and married at the Registry Office according to the rites of the Presbyterian Church.
Patricia McGufficke
Regards, Ian
From: Patricia McGufficke
Sent: Wednesday, 12 February 2014 12:43 PM
Subject: Proposed Change: Douch, John (I11293)
Proposed Change: Douch, John (I11293)
Tree: Eden Monaro Pioneers
Link: http://monaropioneers.com/TNG/getperson.php?personID=I11293&tree=MP
Description: Immigration details for John and his family should read:
Departed England 8 Dec 1838; arrived Sydney 10 Mar 1839 (son William John born at sea 19 Jan 1839).
Patricia McGufficke
Regards, Ian
Wednesday, 12 February 2014 8:05 AM
To: Ian Harvey
Subject: An excellent OCR site that is helpful for converting scans to
perhaps a Word document, saves you time in converting files.
Dear Ian,
I am sure you have numerous old documents that may be useful, but are currrently in non-searchable formats.
If you first scan an old article for instance, then try to make this scanned article as clear as possible by using something like Adobe Elements or Adobe Photoshop.
(I magnify the image and then get rid of any blemishes and try to fix any obvious letters that might need darkening/lightening etc).
Then, once your now scanned image is as clear as you can get it, and the image has been saved to a file, if you go to the following website, they can convert that clearer scanned image to perhaps a Word document, which can later be converted, by your computer to a pdf file, that is now a searchable document.
I have tried this out and it seems to produce remarkably accurate file conversions, but a few mistakes then have to be fixed, but it saves you having to retype into a Word document a scanned file.
The site is as follows:
It is remarkably accurate. You can have up to 15 pages an hour scanned without registering and for no charge.
(This site was suggested to me by the treasurer of the Anglican Historical Society).
Hi David,
The following was provided by a very generous supporter of the MP project who prefers to remain anonymous.
This information might be helpful to our readers.
Regards, Ian
From: Tracey Evans
Sent: Monday, 10 February 2014 10:46 PM
Subject: Comments
Comments: Johanna McCarthy (Irwin/Kirwin). This family is on your website however I don't know if I am doing something wrong and I cannot find who the contact person is. I was trying to find information on Mary Ann Ryan (who was married to Johanna's son Michael). It says ther her parents were James Ryan and Honorah Dwyer. Does anyone know how this information was obtained (not from marriage certificate), or someone I can contact.
Thanks very much. Tracey.
Hi Tracey,
The information we show on the McCarthy page was supplied early in the project and obviously the contributor did not want to be named. I don't believe the parents shown are correct and I will amend that page. If you check our database we actually show Mary Anne's parents as James and Mary.
Regards, Ian
From: Ronald Boyd
Sent: 2014-02-08 11:19 PM
Subject: Went family Photos
Hi David, a couple of photos of the Went family Kevin Joseph Went !D 167586 James Harold Went ID 167582 Peter Caulderbank Hyde ID167387 (spelling of Caulderbank I have also seen as Caulderbaulk) this photo hung for many years on our old home, previously Grandfather George Wents home in Cobargo
Hope the come through ok,
Cheerio, Ron Boyd
Thank you Ron,
Regards, Ian
From: bryan fairman
Sent: Sunday, 9 February 2014 12:16 PM
Subject: Comments (Surname List)
Comments (Surname List): Hello Ian On your search surname site can you please add Anna [ Ellen] Fairman b 1818 County Clare Ireland died Bega 1870 George Douglas Gordon Fairman b Port Arlington Vic 26/03/1919 died
02/10/2001 Woroona W.A
As always thank you Bryan
Hi Bryan,
Anna Fairman nee Power is in our database already.
Who were George Douglas Gordon Fairman's parents?
Regards, Ian
Hello Ian
She might be on database but not on Find Surname group 1-21 also number 18 T Fairman not applicable Parents of George Fairman were Joseph Jnr b 1874 d 1954 and Ethel May Fairman nee Pritchett b 1890 d 1942
Best Regards Bryan
Hi Bryan,
Anne Fairman nee Power will not be listed in the Surname search facility as a "Fairman" because that mechanism will only provide a list of Birth names called Fairman. As Anne was born with a surname of Power, you can find her by searching for "power".
I recommend you use the "Suggest" option when requesting additions or changes.
Regards, Ian
Blyton, Ian and Rae
Sent: Sunday, 9 February 2014 10:52 AM
Subject: Back to Nimitybelle
Hi Ian and David I wish you both all the best for the New Year, and a BIG thank you for all the work you do putting all these family records together I noticed that you referred to a back to nimitybelle book at the bottom of this months news letter. Actually I think it may have been [From Nimitybelle to Nimmitabel ] which was born out of celebrating 100 years since our first Agricultural Show in 2003 We sold over 1000 of these books and only have a couple left.
And thus our Pioneers site was born. Putting that book together was an education so I really appreciate what you both are doing.
Regards, Ian
Thanks Ian,
Regards, Ian
Angela Reed
Sent: 2014-02-09 10:05 AM
David, thank you for another great newsletter. I do hope that this continues. Would it be possible to post the following in the next newsletter please. Thank you
I am wondering if there are any living relatives of Robert Rood b. 1874, and died 1956 and his wife Eliza Mary Taylor b. 1877 d. 1965 still living in Bega. I am very interested in contacting anyone in the family and would like to share photos, documents and information. I would hate to think there is a little box or album somewhere which might get put away and forgotten about or even worse discarded - a little box which might contain family photos, documents etc.
Allen Gibbon
Sent: Saturday, 8 February 2014 2:41 PM
Subject: Last of 3rd Generation Feilen Photos
Hi Ian,
The first photo is of Charles Feilen’s daughters taken in about 1985 at Alstonville NSW. From L to R – Olive Gibbon, Marjorie Mould, Gwen Pascoe & Bertha (Jo) Box. Olive left Cooma in 1926, Marjorie lived on the Monaro all her life, Gwen lived and worked in Cooma until her husband Alby Pascoe retired in 1968, Jo moved from Cooma in 1947.
The next is of George & Peter Feilen (1921-2005 & 1923- ). Sons of Jacob Feilen they grew up on Dromore. George left Dromore in the late 1930’s for technical training in Sydney and remained there. Peter schooled at Chakola, Cooma and Hurlstone. He was conscripted in 1941 and towards the end of WW2 enrolled at Sydney University. He later became a secondary teacher and headmaster. He is the only surviving 3rd generation Feilen.
The final photo is of Peter Feilen who served in the Pacific in WW2.
That is the last of the 3rd generation Feilens. Photos of three of the 4th generation Feilens who have passed away and have connections with the Monaro will be sent shortly.
If you are interested I have some photos of Feilen homesteads and properties.
Regards Allen
Regards, Ian
Sent: Sunday, 9 February 2014 8:08 AM
To: Ian Harvey
Subject: Underhill
Dear Ian
No, your readers and enquiries are not slackening off; it is just that it is summer and you deserve a bit of a break!
The gentleman with the enquiry re Underhill. I am attaching a gedcom file on the family (my husband’s Aunt having married Thomas Underhill). He was a Master Joiner and we still have a beautiful lamp stand that he made for my husband’s parents wedding day that is carved out of one piece of wood. Could you please advise him that I am happy to send to him any supporting documentation that he might require.
Kind regards
Judy McCutcheon
Thank you Judy,
Here is his email address … 'Robert Underhill'
Regards, Ian
Sent: Saturday, 8 February 2014 9:58 PM
Subject: Proposed Change: Le Fevre, David Edward (I286683)
Proposed Change: Le Fevre, David Edward (I286683)
Tree: Eden Monaro Pioneers
Link: http://monaropioneers.com/TNG/getperson.php?personID=I286683&tree=MP
Description: Hi Ian
David Edward Le Fevre married Sarah Percy in 1914 at Tumut.
BDM notes "Lefavre"
Sarah was born c 1875 Broom Of May, Forres, Scotland and died 6 October 1949 at Tumut Plains and buried in the Presbyterian section of Tumut Cemetery.(Tumut Adelong Times Obituary) They were the parents of Naomi Percy Le Fevre who married John Blair "Jack" Bridle.
They were also the parents of another daughter, PATIENCE "Pat" DOUGLAS LE FEVRE who married WILLIAM JAMES OLDBURY ATKINSON IN 1936 at Tumut.
Cheers, Michelle
Regards, Ian
From: Shirley Sproats
Sent: Friday, 7 February 2014 4:57 PM
Subject: Proposed Change: Sproats, Kenneth W. (I126169)
Proposed Change: Sproats, Kenneth W. (I126169)
Tree: Eden Monaro Pioneers
Link: http://monaropioneers.com/TNG/getperson.php?personID=I126169&tree=MP
Description: Kenneth William Sproats was born in 1903 in Wapengo nr Bega, NSW and died 27 April 1988 Late of Kelso, NSW and married Jean R A McLachlan born 1907 died 26 March 1997 in Anita Villa, Katoomba, NSW Late of Bathurst, NSW they married in 1934 in Chatswood, Sydney, NSW
Shirley Sproats
Regards, Ian
From: Shirley Sproats
Sent: Friday, 7 February 2014 4:48 PM
Subject: Proposed Change: Sproats, Alice J. (I126165)
Proposed Change: Sproats, Alice J. (I126165)
Tree: Eden Monaro Pioneers
Link: http://monaropioneers.com/TNG/getperson.php?personID=I126165&tree=MP
Description: Alice Jessie Sproats born 27 April 1888 at Wapengo nr Bega, NSW and died 16 May 1973 at 17 Rose St, Chatswood, Sydney, NSW she married Henry Thomas Evans born 15 April 1885 at Bega, NSW and died 16 May 1935 at Chatswood, Sydney, NSW; they married on 19 Dec 1912 at St Paul's Church of England, Chatswood, Sydney, NSW. Alice Jessie remarried George Thornton who was born Central Cumberland, NSW and married in 1949 at Chatswood, Sydney, NSW
Shirley Sproats
Regards, Ian
From: Shirley Sproats
Sent: Friday, 7 February 2014 4:43 PM
Subject: Proposed Change: Sproats, Ernest (I37971)
Proposed Change: Sproats, Ernest (I37971)
Tree: Eden Monaro Pioneers
Link: http://monaropioneers.com/TNG/getperson.php?personID=I37971&tree=MP
Description: Ernest Sproats was born 20 Oct 1892 at Bega, NSW and died on 31 July 1973 Late of Lidcombe, Sydney, NSW and married Nellie Bertha Hogan born
1891 in Ashfield and died 3 Sep 1980 in Sydney, NSW, they married in 1915 Petersham, Sydney, NSW
Shirley Sproats
Regards, Ian
From: Shirley Sproats
Sent: Friday, 7 February 2014 4:39 PM
Subject: Proposed Change: Sproats, Sidney (I37967)
Proposed Change: Sproats, Sidney (I37967)
Tree: Eden Monaro Pioneers
Link: http://monaropioneers.com/TNG/getperson.php?personID=I37967&tree=MP
Description: Sidney Sproats was born 7 Apr 1890 in Bega, NSW and died 29 Mar
1982 Late of Willoughby, Sydney, NSW he married Frances Evelyn Collings on
26 May 1913 at Newtown, Sydney, NSW; Frances Evelyn died 29 Dec 1938. Sidney then married Margaret Mary Murdoch in 1940 in Chatswood, NSW. Margaret Mary died on 22 June 1983 at Willoughby, Sydney, NSW
Shirley Sproats
Regards, Ian
From: Shirley Sproats
Sent: Friday, 7 February 2014 4:34 PM
Subject: Proposed Change: Sproats, Lottie J. (I37963)
Proposed Change: Sproats, Lottie J. (I37963)
Tree: Eden Monaro Pioneers
Link: http://monaropioneers.com/TNG/getperson.php?personID=I37963&tree=MP
Description: Lottie Jane Sproats was born 13 Oct 1886 in Bega, NSW and died
23 Aug 1977 at Port Macquarie, NSW and married Ebenezer James Arscott who was born 25 May 1881 in Marrickville and died 11 Nov 1953 in Prince Henry Hospital, Sydney, NSW, they married on 13 Nov 1904 in Erskineville, NSW
Shirley Sproats
Regards, Ian