Monaro Pioneers Newsletter 2020 Number 01

MONARO PIONEERS now on Facebook
On 2020-02-08 16:39, Ariel Summers wrote:
Hello Ian,
I went on this site to see if I could find the name of Andrew Dickenson ( stillborn) who died in Bombala in the 1960s. He was the grandson of Joseph and Alma Elton ( both listed here ) and the son of Rosalie Dickenson ( nee Elton, their daughter) , and Jack Dickenson. They lived at 22 Iris lane which was changed to 23 Warne St Bombala. It was the family home until 2 February 1972. Any help to find the grave of this, my half brother, would be welcome.
Kind regards, Ariel.
Hi Ariel, Sorry, we have no burial information unfortunately. I suggest you obtain a transcript of his death details which will tell you where he is buried. Regards, Ian
On 2020-02-07 16:58, Gregory McInnes wrote:
Proposed Change: Tracey, Thomas William (I84092) Tree: SE NSW Pioneers and Settlers Link:
Description: Born: 2 Nov 1894, Bombala, NSW Baptized: 9 Apr 1898, St Matthia's Church, Bombala, NSW Never Married: Died: 28 Sep 1960, Royal prince Alfred Hospital, Camperdown, Sydney, NSW Cremated: 30 Sep 1960, Eastern Suburbs Memorial Park, Matraville, Sydney, NSW
Gregory McInnes
On 2020-02-07 16:54, Gregory McInnes wrote:
Proposed Change: Tracey, Henry John (I84093) Tree: SE NSW Pioneers and Settlers Link:
Description: Born: 27 Oct 1896, Bombala, NSW Baptised: 9 Apr 1898, St Matthia's Church, Bombala, NSW Married: K B Woolley, 11 Feb 1918. Divorced: 1950, NSW Died: 5 Jul 1960, Kingswood, Sydney, NSW. Cremated: 8 Jul 1960, Eastern Suburbs Memorial Park, Matraville, Sydney, NSW.
Gregory McInnes
On 2020-02-07 15:22, therase rogers wrote:
Hi Ian,
Thanks for your reply to my question, I followed your advice and went with Monaro pioneers information.
The information on that site has helped me out a lot. Thank you.
If you have any information on my Great Grandfather, George henry james Grant, married to Zillah Tasker, I would be gratefull, as all I know about him is that he went back to the coast and Zillah stayed in Cootamundra.
The only information I can give you is about my grandmother, Marie Jean and her sister Elsa Daphne, they had a double wedding. Image of newspaper article about it is attached. Also Marie Jean and Clarice Mildred, (sisters) married brothers Marie married Malcom and Clarice married Fredrick. Elsa Daphne married Malcom and Fredrick's cousin, William.
My father, Melvyn Vincent and my mother Judith Annette , had three children, Simon 1959, Margaret 1960 and Therase(me) 1961. I am married to Paul Rogers. We have two children both boys born 1987 and 1988. They are both married. One has two children. As I have not asked permission from any of my family members I can't give you any more information until I speak to them.
Coincidentally, my mother's ancestors are also on Monaro Pioneers, Abraham Ballard and John Benjamin Crane. As are some of my husbands ancestors, Daniel French and Colin McDonell.
So overall I have gleaned enormous amounts of information from Monaro Pioneers and am extremely grateful to all that have worked to put this site together and keep it updated.
Thanks so much
Kind regards, Therase
From: Lyn Smith
Date: 2 February 2020 at 5:30:35 pm AEDT
Subject: Caroline Ann Whitby 1893-
Hi David,
My husband’s Grandmother was Caroline Ann Whitby and we have been looking for her for some time now. Her parents were William Whitby and Louisa Fleming. Caroline married Harry Smith in Bombala, 1911.
My question is ..Does anyone know what happened to Caroline?
My husband remembers Harry but has no memory of Caroline. From the little we know Harry and Caroline separated and she just seems to have disappeared. No proof of I.D. was required back in the 1950’s so Caroline could have changed her name to anything!! The Whitby family was quite large, someone must have had some kind of contact with her. I know some people (on Ancestry) have her listed as deceased in 1963, but the parents names are not correct.
If anyone has a photo of Caroline that they are willing to share that would be a bonus!!
I hope I have sent this enquiry to the right place, if not I apologise.
Thank You, Lyn Smith
Hi Lyn,
The only information we have is displayed on our website. I suggest you obtain a copy of the death certificate for the Caroline Ann Smith who died in Croydon, Victoria in 1963 to see if it lists any children and other detail.
I also recommend you put your request on our Facebook page to see if any family members can help you.
Regards, Ian
On Tue, Feb 4, 2020 at 6:17 PM Joye Walsh wrote:
Hi Ian
You may have seen the Funeral Notice for Ross Alphonsus Rixon. However, I have attached a copy here - from SMH, 1.2.2020. It gave rise to some questions. The questions encouraged me to do a bit of searching for answers.
I then remembered a link to a story about Ross on the James Rixon Facebook page. All my questions were answered!
I have not been able to find a marriage for Ross & Dawn - maybe they didn't ever marry?? They must have married in Qld about 1959 [date from article attached] & BDM for marriages in Qld are only available until 1945.
The names of children are different to those I have in my files as given to me many years ago - before the 1998 edition of Rixon Forest. Perhaps the first 4 children listed in the funeral notice belong to Dawn & are actually Ross's stepchildren?? They are the children of her first marriage - Confirmed in the article attached.
Perhaps the listing on Ryerson Index for Marjorie Dawn Rixon is actually the lady I have listed as Dawn Murray Smith?? The article gives her year of death as 2011. [See listings below from Ryerson]
Smith must have been her maiden name & Murray her surname from first marriage.
Cheers, Joye
Marjorie Dawn |
Death notice |
10JAN2011 |
Death |
79 |
late of Cobargo |
Moruya Examiner |
12JAN2011 |
Marjorie Dawn |
Death notice |
10JAN2011 |
Death |
79 |
late of Cobargo |
Magnet (Eden) |
13JAN2011 |
Marjorie Dawn |
Death notice |
10JAN2011 |
Death |
79 |
late of Cobargo |
Bega District News |
14JAN2011 |
Marjorie Dawn |
Death notice |
10JAN2011 |
Death |
79 |
late of Cobargo |
Narooma News |
12JAN2011 |
Marjorie Dawn |
Death notice |
10JAN2011 |
Death |
79 |
late of Cobargo |
Merimbula News Weekly |
12JAN2011 |
Thanks Joye,
Regards, Ian
From: Christopher Payne
Date: 1 February 2020 at 11:49:18 am AEDT
Subject: Monaro Pioneers
Hi David,
I am a descendant of the Bombala Stevenson’s- Robert (1828-1922) and Mary Ann (nee Ingram). Robert was in Bombala since 1860 and he married Mary Ann Ingram on 11th March, 1862. My grandfather on my mother’s side was a Stevenson. Later the family did own properties at Lord’s Hill, Quidong, Koorong and Mila. We actually visited Bombala for a few nights last year, visiting the old family properties and catching up with relatives.
I am enquiring how I can add my Stevenson ancestors to your list of pioneers? I am surprised some other relatives have not had this done as there has been a reunion, family book published by Margaret Summerill and some ongoing interest and contact with family links.
Thank you for your time and consideration, Sarah Jones
Hi Sarah,
Robert Stevenson now has a Pioneer Index entry on our site.
On 2020-01-28 18:43, Pam Corbett wrote:
Comments (Smith, Michael b. 22 Sep 1854 Bathurst, New South Wales d. 14 Dec 1917): Good evening, I am the great grandaughter of Michael Smith. I have had much trouble finding his death details and would like to know where you found them. Kind regards Pam Corbett
P.S. If there is any information you would like from me, don't hesitate to ask.
Hi Pam, The information we have is as supplied to us and I have no confirmation of the death date provided. We welcome any additional information you can provide. Regards, Ian
On 2020-01-27 09:25, greg walsh wrote:
Good morning Ian, I will send you a copy of the letter I sent to the people at Braidwood, along with a Family Tree and a list of Richard Walsh and Bridget Smith children.
On the website there are some names from Robertson attributed to Richard and Bridget, they are another family. Richard's death certificate lists the 9 children.
And the last child John Thomas born 1883 is actually Mary's child.
Peter Walsh confirmed the child was Mary's and the boy John Thomas was not told the truth until later.
Thanks, Greg
Thank you,
Regards, Ian
On 2020-01-26 14:56, greg walsh wrote:
Hello, My name is Greg Walsh and I live in Queanbeyan, I have been compiling information about my family tree which includes Richard Walsh and Bridget Smith Family, Braidwood 1858, Their son Walter Walsh 1873 Nerriga and Ada Stanger Family, Ballina 1898, etc
I have also been in contact with a Peter Walsh who has sent me a comprehensive history of the Walsh family outside of my immediate family tree.
I can add to the tree that is already there for Richard and Bridget or offer corrections, or start up a new tree for anyone to compare with.
I have found a Memorial card with his image in the Nowra Museum for Daniel Walsh 1861, first son to Richard and Bridget
And a copy of the Conditional Purchase of 40 acres in Nerriga 1866 by Richard Walsh, from the Lands Dept when I still lived in Sydney
I have birth, marriage and death certificates for most of the family plus stuff gathered along the way. Happy to share.
The people at Braidwood Historical Family, St Bede's, Shoalhaven Nowra, and Kiama, and on the other side of the tree Canowindra, Ballina, Coonamble have all been helpful
and I have sent back copies of what I have learnt to Braidwood and Canowindra if anyone is close by.
What would be the best way to go about it?
Thanks, Greg Walsh
Hi Greg, Thank you for the offer, we would be most appreciative of any new or correctional information you can provide. Please send the information and any images and documents you can provide to me at this email address and I will update our database accordingly. The information can be in any format convenient to you. Regards, Ian
On 2020-01-22 15:14, Therese JOHANSON wrote:
On 2020-01-21 17:13, deb wrote:
Proposed Change: Patrech, Marjorie Jean (I287581) Tree: SE NSW Pioneers and Settlers Link:
Description: Marjorie Jean Patrech 1925–2010 BIRTH 17 FEB 1925 • New South Wales, Australia DEATH 11 AUG 2010 • Denhams Beach, New South Wales, Australia
FITZGERALD Marjorie Jean Probate notice 11 AUG 2010 Publication late of Denhams Beach, formerly of Nelligen Narooma News 11AUG2010
Thank you,
Regards, Ian
From: Charlene Stagle
Date: 21 January 2020 at 9:04:48 am AEDT
Subject: Monaro Pioneers Group ~ QUESTION
Happy Monday David and Ian!
As a member of my local historical society out here in New Hampshire, I wanted to let the Monaro Pioneers Group know your Useful Links page has been a big help!
We're currently hosting a weekly genealogy research seminar at our library; it's basically an introductory course where we teach people how to start diving into the family research and historical information they're looking for. I'm happy to report it's been a huge success! The library staff is even talking about making it a permanent part of their scheduling for 2020!
Anyways, thanks again! I referenced your page when I was putting together a research guide for the attendees.
With that being said, I was hoping you could add another link to your page?
I found this guide to researching the history of your home and thought it was perfect to share! (We live in an old Victorian and it was so neat to read about the previous owners!)
This is the guide....
It's not the typical research you usually see, you know? The library staff and I loved it! I didn't see anything like it on your site, so I thought it would make a welcomed addition to your page! I would be SO delighted if you could include it! I'd be happy to know I could help other history buffs out there! :)
We all meet Wednesday evening, if you get a chance to add it by then...But if not, whenever you get a chance to is great! Let me know!
Sincerely, Charlene Stagle
Hi Charlene, Thank you for the suggestion. After looking at the site you referenced it became obvious to me that it was geared towards the US and of little relevance to the Eden/Monaro region of southern New South Wales. Regards, Ian
On 2020-01-20 15:01, Gregory McInnes wrote:
Proposed Change: Tracey, Maria A. (I419734) Tree: SE NSW Pioneers and Settlers Link:
Description: Full name: Marie Amy Constance TRACEY Born: 22 Dec 1919, Bombala, NSW. NSW BDM 41171/1919. Died: 25 Feb 1959, Sydney, NSW. NSW BDM 965/1959.
RYERSON INDEX HARBULOT Maria Amy Constance Death notice 25FEB1959 Death late of Maroubra Bay Sydney Morning Herald 26FEB1959
HARBULOT, Maria Amy Constance.-February 25, 1959, of 15 Fenton Avenue, Maroubra Bay, beloved mother of Maria and Paula and fond daughter of Henry and Kathleen Tracey. Requiescat in pace.
Buried: Botany Cemetery, Matraville, NSW
The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW), Thursday, 26 February 1959 page 20
HARBULOT.-The Relatives and Friends of the late Mrs MARIA AMY CONSTANCE HARBULOT, of 15 Fenton Avenue, Maroubra Bay, are invited to attend her Funeral; to leave the Church of St. Mary, Malabar Road, Maroubra Bay, This Thursday after prayers commencing at 9.30 a.m., for Botany Cemetery. Requiem Mass for the repose of her soul will be celebrated at 6.30 a.m.
Married: Paul Edouard HARBULOT, 22 Aug 1942, Waverley, NSW. NSW BDM 26006/1942 Divorced: 1955
Gregory McInnes
Thank you,
Regards, Ian
On 2020-01-19 13:47, Aydan Casey wrote:
On 2020-01-13 20:11, Chris Murphy wrote:
Proposed Change: Myers, Henry Frederick John (I98917) Tree: SE NSW Pioneers and Settlers Link:
Description: Descendants 1.Son - Frederick George Myers - 25 September 1910 North Sydney NSW - Marriage -Ruby Kitty Valerie Myers ( Born Castle)15 October 1912 Fulham London UK Marriage - 12 October 1932 - Chatswood NSW Australia 2. Winifred Isabel Myers Born 1912 Death 1912 3. Isobelle (Bell) Costello (born Myers) 25 August 1913 Death 1949 -Married Ronald James Costello 4. Phyillis Sarah Blackman (born Myers) -10 Jan 1916 Death - 29 May 1985, Ballina NSW Married - Thomas Allan Blackman 5.Reginald Stanley John Myers - 2 March 1917 North Sydney NSW Death 1979 6. Margaret (Poppy) Brown (born Myers) 29 May 1920 North Sydney - Death 9 Jan 2009 Tasmania - married - Colin Gilbert Brown 7. Elizabeth Betty O'Loughlin ( born Myers) - Married William John O'Loughlin
Chris Murphy ( née Myers)
Thank you,
Regards, Ian
On 2020-01-12 20:58, Alan Merryweather wrote:
Hi Ian,
He was my gt gt gt uncle baptised as John Winsor Collins M. And usually referred to as John. Some further information about him is in my book Share my Harvest, a copy of which was sent to your library when it was published in 1900. Since then little has turned up apart from a few items from your Newspapers – after the shooting of Kirwan etc.[Trove; a wonderful resource!]
Problematical is his less successful younger brother Philip Edward Collins M. (who md in Sydney and likewise returned to England) who seems to have been at Cooma - but documentary evidence is slight.
My emailing you was triggered by seeing a BBC TV reporter outside the fire station at Cooma. We watch from here with horror and much sympathy and wish you all well.
Alan Merryweather
Hi Alan, Thank you for the kind thoughts, Regards, Ian
On 2020-01-12 18:43, Chris Murphy wrote:
Proposed Change: Family: Myers, Henry Frederick John / Rowley, Lucy Isabella Tree: SE NSW Pioneers and Settlers Link:
Description: Burial - Henry Frederick John Myers Macquarie Park Cemetery - Presbyterian Monument D9 0068 26/5/1960 Aged 73
Burial - Lucy Isobelle Myers Macquarie Park Cemetery - Presbyterian Monument D9 0069 8/6/1935 aged 44
Chris Murphy (née Myers)
Thank you,
Regards, Ian
On 2020-01-12 15:40, Margaret Kirk wrote:
Proposed Change: Family: O'Malveney, John / Collins, Mary Tree: SE NSW Pioneers and Settlers Link:
Description: The names of children of John & Mary are James, born 4.6.1908, Doris, born 20.10.1909, Norah, born 10.7.1911, John Norman(my father), born 7.11.1912, Mary (Molly), born 14.11.1914. I can also give you the names of their spouses and descendants and photos.
Margaret Kirk
Hi Margaret, Any further contributions you can make would be most welcome Regards, Ian
On 2020-01-10 20:20, Leila Aissat Isung wrote:
Comments: I am biological daughter to Magnar Kristiansen, born 23 january 1932, dead 13 january 1990, Married to Mary Margaret Stanton 1960. She passed away 8th June 2018 at Campbelltown Hospital. She is buried at Gegedzerick Cemetary, Berridale. They had two children: Peter and Katherine. I am very interested in information about my father and his children. Please contact me.
Regards, Leila Aissat Isung, Sweden
Hi Leila, If you are looking to make contact with the Kristiansen family I suggest you put your request on our facebook page. Regards, Ian
On 2020-01-10 19:32, Chris Murphy wrote:
Proposed Change: Family: Myers, Samuel / Wilson, Nancy Tree: SE NSW Pioneers and Settlers Link:
Description: Samuel Myers Birth 8 April 1784 Yorkshire England Death - 23 Sept tendon Guiseley West Yorkshire England Marriage- Nancy Betty Elizabeth Myers ( born) Wilson - 12 April 1803 St Oswald's Church Guiseley Yorkshire
Chris Murphy
Thank you,
Regards, Ian
On 2020-01-10 13:16, Greg Lanyon wrote:
Proposed Change: Dunsmore, Elizabeth (I204578) Tree: SE NSW Pioneers and Settlers Link:
Description: Very sorry , my mistake ,I said my mother passed away in 1985 ,she passed in 2015 aged 85. I do not know my fathers (Barry Rozynski) birth date, his graves headstone says he was 30 years old at the time of his death(1960),Monaro pioneers has his birth year as 1928 and I have photos to support 1928 as correct.If their is a way to find his actual birth date it would be much appreciated. Sorry for the mistake. Thanks Greg
Thank you Greg, I suggest you try to obtain your father's birth certificate from the NSW BDM office. Regards, Ian
On 2020-01-09 17:40, Terry & Maureen wrote:
I thought I had given you an update on this before but not sure what it was.
JM Byers was my mother in law. Her full name is Joan Mudie Byers 1930-2019. Married Gordon Gay. My wife and I have a lot of info on her family trees
Thanks, Terry Mowle
Thank you Terry, Joan Mudie Gay nee Byers would only show as surname and initials as we did not have any information about her death. Now that we have that detail her full details will display. Regards, Ian
On 2020-01-06 18:22, John Francis Scott wrote:
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