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Thomas Akers
arrived at Port Jackson as a convict with the First Fleet on 26/1/1788 aboard the "Charlotte".
(Last changed
Tuesday July 16, 2013)
%20Thomas%20Akers%201822.jpg) |
Thomas Akers c1822
Ann Akers nee Guy nee Hinchley
These images supplied by Rose Goward [r.go.ward47-at-hotmail.com]
Mr Harvey
Some months ago whilst cleaning out my husband's late Aunt's home. We came across a miniature portrait. The reverse side stated it was Thomas Akers Esq. - 1822.
I have done a little research and found that a Thomas Akers/Acres came here with the First Fleet in 1788 and many of his descendants lived and I assume still do in the Cooma area, hence my email to you.
Weeks after finding the picture of Thomas we found one of a lady.
This picture did not have any identification on the back but was in the same type of frame and looked as though it matched that of Thomas Akers. I thought perhaps it was his wife, they seems the same age and of the same era.
I have contacted some of Thomas Akers descendants (some that I could find) and forwarded a copy of the picture of Thomas to them, however not that of Mrs Akers (?). Would it be appropriate to post these pictures on your website? I am very keen to share them and this seems the easiest way.
My sister in law currently has the originals and intends to donate them to an organisation relating to the First Fleet.
Rose Goward
Email received 3.01.08 from Jan Gregory [jancgr-at-bigpond.net.au]
Dear Pattrick,
On the Monaro Pioneers' Site there are two photos with explanation. One is reported as being labelled Thomas Akers 1822. The other has a query below it.
When I received copies via email, the statement was:
I have come into the possession of copies of miniature portraits of Thomas Acres/Akers and his "wife" Ann Guy. These are attached.
They were painted in 1822.
The next step in this type of scenario is for recipients to send and then many people have photos/paintings of the named people. - or supposedly of the named people.
I realise that on your Monaro Pioneers' site - which I reckon is great - two facts are given about one miniature. 1. It is of a Thomas Acres
2. It was dated 1822. No fact is given about the other one, other than where it was located.
If only people would quote the facts, not the speculation! No blame on your part though is intended or implied!
Having looked at the impression of the two people, I would tend to favour the male being Thomas AKERS b 1798, son of the convict, Thomas Acres/Akers. I would tend to guess the other miniature could be the wife of Thomas AKERS b 1798 but I have nothing to confirm that.
My reasoning for this suggestion is that in 1822, Thomas Acres and Mary GUY would have been about 65. The male image definitely seems to be more in keeping with one aged in mid 20s. The age of the female is harder to discern.
I intend to copy this to all who were listed on the email which first came to me yesterday from FF.
Jan Gregory
Descendants of Thomas Akers
Recompiled from the new Monaro Pioneers database:
Some of the information shown here was contributed by David Smith.
Additional information supplied by:
Kaye Wishart [kayeze-at-iprimus.com.au] 3.01.08, 14.01.08, 22.02.08
Gary Coady [coady-at-tpgi.com.au] 11.02.08
Cathy Nagy [c_nagy-at-optusnet.com.au]
Patrick Edgerton [patrickedgerton-at-hotmail.com] 29.04.11
Descendant Report