Henry William Ball
1851 WambrookHistory | Genealogy
Henry Ball's first son Henry Andrew Ball c1870
Submitted by Ross Ball <rossballsigns-at-optusnet-com-au> |
HENRY BALL came to Maneroo in 1851, and was at first employed at Wambrook, whence he took 1,500 head of cattle to Coolamon. He later delivered the same number in Melbourne. In 1853 he went to Adaminaby to take charge of the property belonging to Mr. John Gosgrove and his step-brothers, Henry and Charles York. There were then only two storekeepers' huts at Adaminaby, whilst three stockmen had to look after the cattle. The nearest sheep were ten miles away. Ball states that when he first went to Adaminaby it was not possible to drive a buggy
from Cooma there. He was at Adaminaby when the Kiandra rush broke out and saw diggers meeting carriers 15 miles out of Kiandra and paying 110 ponds a bag for flour. "BACK TO COOMA" Felix Mitchell 1926 pp72
From: Kym Annetts ( nee Ball)
Sent: Saturday, April 10, 2004 9:44 AM
Subject: Pioneers of Cooma
Hi There
I have just found you wonderful site, CONGRATULATIONS, & have found info on my G,G Grandfather.
Henry BALL. I have tracked back to where he came over on the 'Java' from England & have just started to gather other records from my local family research group on the Gold Coast. I would love a photo of Henry, but am having no luck. I looked through info of John Cosgrove as Henry worked on his property, but no luck.
Henry Ball
b. abt 1828 (England)
c. 16 Mar 1830
m. 7 Aug 1848 (sp 1) Mary Ann Barr (England) d. 21 Nov 1850 (England)
m. unknown (sp 2) Sarah Jane Cave (England) d. Oct 1888 (Cooma)**
m. 1893 (sp 3) Mary Jane Burgess (Cooma)
d. 2 Feb 1903
** reported 150 people attended her funeral.
His children married into the Mansfield (Vic), Wortes (Kiandra),Burgess (Cooma),Yan (Cooma)
Elborn/Greenhall (Vic) families. I'm sure there is a wedding photo somewhere.
Do you have any suggestions.
Thanks in advance for any help
Kym Annetts ( nee Ball) <mannetts-at-bigpond.net.au>
From: Ross Ball <rossballsigns-at-optusnet-com-au>
Sent: Sunday, February 13, 2005 5:33 PM
Subject: Old Adaminaby
Hello Pattrick!
My name is Ross Ball I am a descendant of early Adaminaby folk. Our family settled in Seymour or Chalkers in 1853.
I was very taken by the portrayal of Dr George Mould in the Monaro Pioneers website.
I am presently doing some research on early Adaminaby.
My gggrandfather was Henry Ball who was a stockman for John Cosgrove, Mailman on horseback in the 1870's between Cooma-Kiandra also operated an orchid & farm on the old Kiandra Road, half a mile out of Adaminaby.
We are related to the Mansfields, Lockers, Clugstons, Burgess, Wortz, Yan etc families.
1. I was wondering if you know of the location of the original or a copy of this early photograph of "Mackay's Seymour Stores" Adaminaby?
2. Do you have any access to any early "Histories" of the Adaminaby district?
There were a few knocking around in the 1970's:
Adaminaby 50 Years Ago... E.Crawford
Old Adaminaby... Sam Try 1957
The Mould Family... R.G.Mould etc
3. A branch of my family ( James & Elizabeth Burgess ) apparently lived at "Buckenderry" in the 1860's and later.
Have you come across any mention of them in your research?
4. Did Buckenderry eventually change it's name to Buckenderra? There is a small community in this area near the Lake today.
If you know of someone else who may be able to help. Could you please let me know their address or please forward this E-mail onto them, if you think that would be appropriate.
Thank you very much for any help you may be able to give.
Appreciate your efforts,
Kind regards,
Ross R. Ball
48 Sixth Ave., Katoomba NSW 2780
Hello Pattrick!
Thanks for your reply.
I have searched your website regarding "Burgess," but only found minimal info.
Yes, I have met Leigh Stewart a number of times, E-mailed etc. have his latest photographic booklet, he released a couple of months back. He has a marvellous photo collection, displayed on the walls of his shop. I actually asked Leigh if he had seen the original of that "Seymour Store" photo, but he seemed to indicate that he hadn't seen it before. I'd be very interested in seeing the original or getting a clear copy ( not at very low resolution as is on the Website )
The Cafe next door is operated by Margi Mansfield who is a relative of mine. I was up at Adaminaby for the Public School extravaganza before Christmas last, met Leigh there as well.
Thanks for the info on your site regarding Henry Ball. He is Margi's & my gggrandfather. I've noticed you've gathered a lot of historic material from
Felix Mitchell's 1926 "BACK TO COOMA" yes,
I have a copy, thanks.
Neville Locker would probably be able to help you with some info on the Locker family. Although he is always busy.
Trixie Clugston, still living at "Willow Grove" Adaminaby ( she now in her 90's ) might be able to help you with some info on the Clugston Family, or Trixie's daughter Lurline Thorp in Cooma, may be able to help, I'm not sure if they would be interested.
I have gathered some info on the early Ball family in Adaminaby, but have not managed to get enough to a post actual dates to all the names etc.
I have the basic story of Henry Ball's life & his immediate family from 1853 to about 1920.
Kym Annetts & myself haven't as yet come across any photographic material of Henry Ball, but would be very interested in locating anything, even relating to "Little Plain" where the family lived etc.
I have some limited photos & info on the Mansfield family, and a small outline of the Burgess family.
As it turned out, Henry Ball's children married into the Mansfields, Wortz ( Kiandra ), Yan ( Kiandra ), Burgess families. Henry started out as a Stockman, then Mailman to Kiandra, Orchardist & then local "oldtimer" etc.
Any idea what's behind the name "Buckenderry"?
Thanks for your help Pattrick!
With kind regards Ross
Here are some my Mum's stories:
When Mum was born in October, 1925 in Tumut, it was so cold
Nana put Mum in the oven to keep her warm!
When Mum was 10 her teeth were very bad so Nana called the
Dentist - he made the decision to pull out about 8-9 teeth. He called the
doctor to anaethetise Mum and took the teeth out. This was all done on the
kitchen table!
Mum's Dad, William Henry Wortes, owned a butcher shop during
the Depression. He had such a kind heart that he let people pay him later....
unfortunately they never paid and he went broke. After that In summer he drove
sheep up into the high country and stayed there for about 6 months. He stayed
in the drover huts scattered around the high country. In winter he worked on
'Red Hill' station owned by 'Fields'. It was out past Brungle/Lacmolac way and
his sister Matilda and her husband were the caretakers.
Mum's Mum, Ethel May Dunn, had a brother called Amos. Amos's
1st wife had twins, Jean & Lesley. She died 8 days after the birth due to
Septicaemia. Uncle Amos was away a lot with roadwork so Ethel took Lesley to
rear and her sister, Lila took Jean to rear.
Also, after Grandma Dunn's (Catherine Sarah Smith) husband (Elvidge
John Dunn) died, she lived with her son, Amos. When Amos' 1st wife died, and
he was away with roadwork, Mum (Gwendoline Ivy Wortes) used to go and stay at
night with her so she wasn't on her own.
Mum's Uncle Jack (Ethel's brother) was discovered to have a bad
heart at the age of 7. Because Jack was one of 12, Grandfather Wortz (Charles
Henry Walter Wortz) took him in so he could look after him better. He stayed
with Grandfather until he was 17 (when Grandfather died) then got married
shortly after.
Hope these stories can be of use to someone but let me know if
you want more.
Kind regards,
Carolyn Clark [carolynclark33-at-gmail.com]
The following photo was supplied by Michael Povey <mpovey-at-tpg.com.au>
Descendants of Henry William Ball

Kym Annetts <mannetts-at-bigpond.net.au> 10.11.06
Recompiled from the new Monaro Pioneers database:
with some additional information supplied by:
Lynn Robinson [lynn_ron-at-bigpond.com] 3.7.10
Carolyn Clark [carolynclark33-at-gmail.com] 27.07.10
Descendants Report |