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OUR COLLECTION OF MONARO BOOKS AND SUPPLIERS Burial/Cemeteries | Books | Retailers Look-up - Volunteers:
100 YEARS IN TIMBER - By Bert Broadhead - 1965 - Copyright Printed & published by Abbey Publishing Co. 33 Macquarie Place, Sydney. Anyone have access?
the Australian Colonies - William Henry Wells' - Steve Painter <roseandsteve@bigpond.com>
'A BIG LOOKOUT' by Frank Allen M.B.E.
which is about the Monaro District, mainly Bibbenluke District but also
some on Bombala. Lyn Murphy, <kyokushin@eisa.net.au>
"A Family Began with Love" John & Martha Love their Descendants and Associated Families Could you add the book to the Book
Section of the Monaro Pioneers site. A WEE LASS AND HER LADDIE - The story of Esther and James McGufficke. Betty Raffaele 1993, 53 Victoria Street Cooma NSW 2630. <raffbet@acr.net.au> A SOCIAL AND CULTURAL HISTORY OF MEDICINE IN NSW – The Southern Tablelands and Cooma Monaro, Edited and Published by A J Proust, 10/38 National Circuit, Forrest ACT 2603. <pattrick@bigpond.net.au> AUSTRALIAN HIGH COUNTRY,
by Klaus Hueneke, Tabletop Press 1994, ISBN 9590841 4 2. It is about 380
pages of oral history of people from around Jindabyne, Eucumbene and the
Snowy Mountains. Steve Painter <roseandsteve@bigpond.com> Bega Valley Pioneer Register -
Pre-Federation - For lookups contact Bev Francis:
Births, Deaths & Marriage Notices Bombala Times 1912- 1920
- For lookups contact Bev Francis: <carrarapark7-at-bocnet.com.au>
Bombala - Hub of Southern Monaro - For lookups
contact Bev Francis: <carrarapark7-at-bocnet.com.au>
Buckley Family Reunion 1997 - For lookups contact Bev Francis: <carrarapark7-at-bocnet.com.au> Bygone Days of Cathcart by Laurie Platts ISBN 0731678214 - For lookups contact Bev Francis: <carrarapark7-at-bocnet.com.au> BOMBALA. Or twined his tame young kangaroo with flowers. Ebook tells story of William and Susan DENT and includes information on their children and JOHNSON, HEAD, ELTON, LESLIE and FORD spouses, within the history of Bombala and Monaro from 1853 to 1885. Story is based on newspaper articles and Susan’s 1884/5 letters to grandson Mephi JOHNSON. Running to 270 pages, book includes Index, Timeline, photos and maps. AUD $39 Orders to Dawn Coleman, 17 Surfers Avenue, Narrawallee, NSW, Australia. www.thestoryteller.id.au
COMMONWEALTH ELECTORAL ROLLS, I have the electoral rolls
for the areas from 1903 for Eden Monaro and the 1885 landholders returns. I
am willing to do look-ups. Carole Douch
douch1@pacific.net.au Cooma 150 Years On - For
lookups contact Bev Francis: <carrarapark7-at-bocnet.com.au> COOMA, Self-guided Heritage tour, produced by Cooma Main Streets Committee Inc and Tourism Snowy Mountains. Anyone have access? Cooma Country by Laurie Neal - published in 1976 by the Cooma Monaro Historical Society. National Library of Australia Card Number and ISBN 09500903 2 8. Has a lot of interesting photo’s and articles about the area and early pioneers etc. DISCOVERING MONARO. A study of
man’s impact on his environment. Hancock W K, Cambridge University Press
1972. Library of Congress 78178280. ISBN 0 521 08 4393.
Gwen Hubert
<ghubert-at-pcug.org.au> ENGELMAN FAMILY HISTORY FROM MARTINSTHAL, GERMANY to SYDNEY COVE, AUSTRALIA, 300 YEARS OF FAMILY HISTORY John Engelman's address is 6 Dunrossil Crescent, Bathurst, NSW, A lot of detailed information on the Engelman family & their descendants. FLORA FRASER AND ARCHIBALD REYNOLDS
by Christine McGeggor Anyone have access? 'FROM MUNSTER TO MONARO'
A History of the Michael Barron Family. By Ron Barron "FROM KILKEEL TO COOMA: THE STORY OF WILLIAM
AND ESTHER STEWART OF MONARO" Written and published by the William
and Esther Stewart Family History Group . For further information contact :
Michael Hawkins <mikeh63-at-telstra.com>,
Bev Francis: <carrarapark7-at-bocnet.com.au> History of the Bega Show - For lookups contact Bev Francis: <carrarapark7-at-bocnet.com.au> "History of Bibbenluke 1835-1971",
Franklin Lyle Allen, ISBN 0959969209 Hoof Beats and Whip Cracks by
Wilf Ingram Towamba History - For lookups contact Bev Francis:
Sam Hutchinson at Pages of Life, 130 Sharp St Cooma NSW 2630 James Rixon & Amelia Goodwin. More a Forest Than a Family Tree written by Joye Walsh (joye_walsh@yahoo.com). There are many Monaro based families included. Kiandra - Gold Fields
to Ski Fields. Pre-publication record. Release date :- November
2006 Published. Author - Norman W . Clarke , : Sylvania, N.S. W
2006.Description: 1 v - 275mm x 210mm – 187 pages. Hard cover celloglazed-laminated.
ISBN: 0646463373 : Dewey Classification Number: 796.920609447 Note: Includes
index. Note: Bibliography. B/W photo images.
Klaus Hueneke ISNB 0 5950841 1 8. Tabletop Press. Klaus records some
personal impressions and a selection of his best colour photographs.
Database for finding Land users of the Monaro of NSW 1823–1870 By John S. Trengove As researchers know, the tracing of early land users and property names can be a time consuming process; having to go through numerous sources in many different places. Imagine information for the Monaro of NSW, from NSW Government Gazettes, newspapers, and other sources, being in one place and easily accessible. Well now it is, with a searchable database that covers the following linked periods and items. 1823 1826 1827 1828 Census 1829 Mrs_Keefe 1834 Argyle 1814 This Database is available as a CD-ROM in PDF format from: John S. Trengove, 78 Botha Avenue, Reservoir, Victoria, 3073 johntwin2@bigpond.com (03) 9469 2990 Each copy $30 plus $7.00 packing and postage within Australia Payable by Cheque or Direct debit Lambie Street - Where Cooma first Began - For lookups contact Bev Francis: <carrarapark7-at-bocnet.com.au> Memories of Old Jindabyne - For lookups contact Bev Francis: <carrarapark7-at-bocnet.com.au> MEN OF THE SNOWY MOUNTAINS, Mona Ravenscroft, Rigby Ltd Adelaide, 1962, 252pp, not indexed, The story of a number of men and women, living and working on the scheme. I have an autographed copy I will do look-ups and I can also scan some of the pages if required Maree Oddy: oddy@optusnet.com.au MONARO, 1823 TO 1973. 120 odd
photos of Monaro from 1865 – 1973. Monaro Publishing Co: Look-ups Bev
Francis: <carrarapark7-at-bocnet.com.au> MOST OBEDIENT SERVANTS ON THE MONARO & FAR
SOUTH COAST Nicholson Family
- 1817 to 1973 - For lookups contact Bev Francis:
MONARO 1823 TO 1973 A record in
pictures. Published by the Monaro Publishing Company Co, Cooma.
Look-ups Bev Francis: <carrarapark7-at-bocnet.com.au>
MONARO COUNTRY - drawings of 41 buildings of significance by Bill Bresser with historical text from Trisha Dixon. Printed and publish by B J Publications, Canberra "PERKINS PAPERS" which were compiled by the local parliamentarian for Monaro - there are 3 volumes depending on the years you need, Perkins typed all the information gleaned from local newspapers journals etc whilst he was in Parliament, on parliamentary paper. Perkins Papers are on film and are available on inter-library loan. I believe there are hard copies at Sydney, Canberra, Tumut and Cooma Historical Society. This material is completely indexed. I have found it the best resource available for the Monaro. For more information go to http://www.sag.org.au/collections/perkins.htm Anyone have access? "PIONEERS OF THE LACHLAN, MURRUMBIDGEE AND COUNTY KING PRE-1860" published by Young & District Family History Group. ISBN 0 9588068 0 2 PIONEERS OF THE SNOWY MONARO, PRIOR TO 1850. Compiled by The Snowy Monaro Family History Group Inc Look-ups Bev Francis: <carrarapark7-at-bocnet.com.au> Rally Round the Flag compiled by the Bega Hist. Group - For lookups contact Bev Francis: <carrarapark7-at-bocnet.com.au> RECOLLECTIONS OF THE SNOWY RIVER STOCKMEN, Boyd Mould, Monaro Publishing Co, Recollections from a direct descendant of a pioneering family. For look-ups contact Phillip G. Wheatley pwheat33-at-tpg.com.au
Recollections of an Australian Squatter',
Brodribb, 1883
The whole book, 'Recollections of an Australian Squatter', written by Brodribb in 1883 and recounting his experiences from 1835, is a fascinating read and full of references to Monaro, William Bradley, and of course my Brodribb family. Anyone have access?
is at an advanced stage of preparation
and will be published in late 2006. About
80 illustrations including a dozen in colour. It will be a limited
edition and therefore subscribers are sought to raise the money
necessary for printing. I hope to keep the retail cost down to around
AUD30 plus postage & packing. If you are interested, please
email John Edwards at
Once I have a firm idea of the costing of the book, I will contact you
and invite you to become a subscriber.
Dear Friends,
This is just to advise you that the
publication of my book on the Ryrie family may be delayed by a few
more weeks, partly due to my ill health and also because the Ryrie
family have requested some major changes, including the name (now
However, rest assured that the book is otherwise nearly finished
and will come out soon.
It has also become obvious that my original idea of a pre-publication subscription scheme was too unwieldy and therefore it's better to just sell the books after they are printed. I will be in touch again as soon as this happens.
A copy of this email has been sent
to most people who have contacted me but could the lady who has a
daughter at Monash University please contact me again at
norrongpress@ozemail.com.au ? Unfortunately I lost all her
details in a computer crash some time ago. If anybody else feels
they may have been missed, please email me at that address.
In the meantime, thank you for your interest and support.
John Edwards
Norrong Press
SQUATTING ON CROWN LANDS IN NEW SOUTH WALES 1847 - a list of squatters (and the name and size of their holdings) who applied to lease their land from the Crown in accordance with the provisions of the Sqatters' Act 1846/47. It was compiled by J F Campbell in 1931. <pattrick@bigpond.net.au > Tales of the Far South Coast - For lookups contact Bev Francis: <carrarapark7-at-bocnet.com.au> Tales of the Far South Coast 1984 - For lookups contact Bev Francis: <carrarapark7-at-bocnet.com.au> THE HISTORY OF GOULBURN - – by Ransome T Wyatt of church House, Goulburn. - Terry Davidson <tda73056-at-bigpond.net.au> THE HISTORY OF THE DIOCESE OF GOULBURN – by Ransome T Wyatt of church House, Goulburn. Published in Sydney in 1937 by Edgar Bragg and Sons. This is a very significant history book and is well index. Wagga Wagga, Yass, Young. Terry Davidson <tda73056-at-bigpond.net.au> THE HISTORY OF THE PARISH, BERRIDALE,
small booklet, which gives the history of the churches and their ministers.
It also gives you a list of the parishioners that have made donations for
Copies can be obtained from: Shiel_Genealogy@austarnet.com.au A lot of the Sheils family lived in Cooma & surrounding areas.
'The Splitter from Yankee Flat - Erasmus Darwin
Siobhan McHugh, William Heinemann Australia, ASNB 0 85561 337 8. Based on
many hundreds of interviews, over three hundred photos.
Gwen Hubert
<ghubert-at-pcug.org.au> From:
Eddy Cernigoi [mailto:monarobm@bigpond.net.au] David for your information: I thought I would send you an email about a new book that you may want to put on the Monaro Pioneers Website. Barry McGowan who is a Canberra based author and historian has written another book called “Dust & Dreams: Mining Communities in South East New South Wales”. It combines the research done in his previous books with further and expanded research. Regards Eddy Cernigoi Monaro Books & Music From Shirley Sproats <ssproats@bigpond.com> I picked up a Sproats family history book from the printers last week, copies of the front and back pages are attached. It is a book that I researched and wrote about the Sproats: Christopher & Elizabeth Sproats – an account of the Sproats in Australia from 1858 onwards. All up there are 248 pages with some 160 photos. It is about the lives of the original settlers, Christopher and Elizabeth with a chapter given to each of their children – the first generation Australian born. One chapter is given to a second generation family who were also well known in the Bega District. It is also a book about community life. The book has been crafted from births, deaths and marriage records, probate packets and other archival material both in Australia and the United Kingdom; Bega District newspapers were trawled on microfilm at the State Library 1865 to early 1940s. Every mention of the family from the big things to the small things in life is woven into the book plus family trees included. The book also includes a chapter on the Sproats name and a chapter on the search for the ancestor, Thomas Sproats' birth. The family tree is validated back to the marriage of this Thomas in 1769; we know from the age on his burial record that he was born c1740. It is a book set in a time when idleness was not an option, social welfare was effectively non-existent and not everything had a monetary value. There is also a high level of interest in a reunion. If doable, I was thinking early April 2014 in Bega but the groundwork is only just starting on that. I was wondering if you would kindly publish the existence of the book on your website and in your next newsletter. Also, descendants who might be interested in the reunion, if they would please contact me on either email: ssproats@bigpond.com or mob: 0404 02 6947. Best wishes Shirley Sproats (Great granddaughter of Christopher and Elizabeth Sproats) Lawtons of Canberra, Antiquarian books
www.winchbooks.com.au |