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Text Box: Major events
Saddle Bronc Riding
Bullock Riding
Bareback Bronc Riding
Steer Wrestling
National rodeo titles
Saddle Bronc Riding     1945
Steer Wrestling              1948, 1950
All-Round Cowboy         1949, 1950

 Sidney Noel Bottom was born in Berridale, NSW on 5 December, 1926, the son of Sidney Francis and Irene Beatrice Bottom, and died in Canberra, ACT on 6 March, 1986.

 He was a rodeo rider of some note for many years, travelling the rodeo circuit  all  over the country; Victoria, Queensland, South Australia and NSW.  He won many trophies and ribbons and was a true devotee of Australian buckjump riding.

 Noel was often introduced as ‘the man from Snowy River’ in his short but outstanding career in the arena.  He was the holder of state titles in all three major contest events, winning titles in two different events in both 1947 and 1950.  A determined contestant, his spectacular riding skills thrilled the crowds.
Contributed by Kerry Donaghy <kdo94407-at-bigpond.net.au>
These images have been contributed by
Kerry Donaghy [kdo94407-at-bigpond.net.au]


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