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Nancy Humuch Morris nee Bradley |
George Robert Morris |
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Nancy Jane Morris
The following Documents supplied by Oscar and Margaret Morris-Boyd <oscar2-at-airnet.com.au> |
Photos & documents supplied by
Oscar and Margaret Morris-Boyd <oscar2-at-airnet.com.au> |
Pattrick Mould wrote To Amanda Day William Bradley Biographer
Hi Amanda,
I just had a phone call from a David Brown in Merimbula (6495 6091), he is investigating the marriage (In Bowen?) of a Nancy Bradley (Aboriginal - born Bendoc - Mother Mary Mary? Suggestion from Solomon Family) to one John Bradley, Sheepfarmer. There appears to be some tie-up with the Jardine Family (may have been working for them?). David is
sending me Marriage and Birth Cert's and photo of Mary, I will put them up on the Bradley Page when I get them.
David was telling me that he has got a lot of info from Micheal Young, National Parks, Jindabyne. Micheal has apparently written a number of books about Aboriginals on the Monaro - I haven't seen them!, I have asked David to ask Micheal to contact me.
Hope this is of interest
Have a great day
Regards, Pattrick Mould
From: "Amanda Day"
Sent: Monday, July 31, 2006 8:46 PM
Hi Pattrick,
Thanks for that info. The info re the Nancy Bradley family has come past me before and I have done a fair bit of research into that family. John Bradley is not connected to William Bradley in any way and appears to be a different family. I have had contact with someone in Goonellabah NSW many years ago regarding this research line of inquiry and through much sleuthing there was no link found. The dates were incorrect for Bradley's time on the Monaro (he spent a lot of time in England and in his Sydney home, Lindesay). So if you do a page on him, he is not connected to
William Bradley so probably needs his own page. I could probably find some research material that I had on John Bradley. William Bradley never had sons who lived past infancy and he was never on the Monaro physically from about 1848 (and he was in England at this time) so in fact if Bradley had sons who lived past infancy and inherited the land then the whole history of the Monaro plains from 1868 (Bradley's
death) onwards would have been significantly different to today. As it was, the land was managed from Bradley's head station at Bibbenluke and eventually all sold and divided. Bradley's beneficiaries still drew an income from his estate well into the 1940s.
Interestingly, you mention the Solomon family. They were Jewish but also had significant links to the Goulburn region. The family purchased a lot of William Bradley's land in Goulburn after he died, including his Brewery.
I have been working on a website about William Bradley which has the photos, family trees etc and hopefully you will be able to link this page about William Bradley from your list. It is fairly simple with various links regarding William Bradley and I hope to launch it soon.
I see your address at the bottom so I will send you the SAG notes on the John Perkins Papers that I have had here for a while for you.
At the National Library now you can scan microfilm onto a computer and then onto a USB and I have been doing some of the Perkins papers, but other things interrupt me. It is a long term project. I have a fair number of the papers related to my areas of interest and as I always go to the original source I have been operating a triple index of my research interests, Perkins papers and newspaper indexes. It is comprehensive!
At the Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders here in Canberra there are a large number of Surveyor's field books that talk about Indigenous families on the Monaro from the early period. I will keep an eye out for Michael's books and I would be interested to hear further news if he contacts you.
It might also be of interest to your readers that the Australian Dictionary of Biography is now on-line and free to search. The address is http://www.adb.online.anu.edu.au/ If people are interested in following up on the information in the ADB
they can then access the records at the ADB Centre which is at the ANU. It is a most useful source of information as the references provided in the articles are located in people files at the ADB Centre. You can check out William Bradley's biography on there as well as other Monaro identities. Providing a link is probably the best way for people to access the information as copyright laws have certainly tightened up in terms of web publishing in recent years.
If you know of anyone interested in BOCO station, I have quite a bit of research material available and I am happy for people to contact me directly. The map of Nimmitabel that I wrote to you about last time needs permission for publishing on the web from the Noel Butlin Archives otherwise I would be in breach of copyright and access conditions to the Archives.
People can also trace their ancestors through the Australian Pastoral Review and if a local university library has these, they are a treasure trove for following land use on the Monaro and the changes that went on.
It is important I believe to maintain accuracy in historical research that ensures validated, evidence based, multiple researches. This is sometimes a trap when working with local history that rely on misinformed oral histories and so forth. Certainly in my research about Bradley a large number of myths surrounding him and perpetuated by various historians have been debunked and I guess that my approach to ensuring accuracy is a vast amount of connected research. My book and PhD will I suspect cause some historians of note to conceptualise their understandings of the Monaro!
If you are ever in Canberra let me know and I will show you some of the resources that I have on the area. I have an arrangement with the National Library for my papers to be deposited there and will one day be available for general public use.
Look forward to hearing from you
Cheers Amanda
Document supplied by Oscar and Margaret Morris-Boyd <oscar2-at-airnet.com.au>
History of the Morris Family.
As read by Lenette Beath on the 16-6-1990.
And written into the Computer by Oscar Boyd.
Firstly, I would like to apologies on behalf of my mother Win Harriott nee Morris and my uncle Andrew Morris, who are both ill at present. “However I am proud to tell the Morris Story which begins in London England, and as the room is full of descendants in the audience I porpoise to go back to the maternal grandfather of George Robert Morris, who was one Thomas Crissop.
Thomas Crissop was employed as a waterman on the Thames Barges, which today would be termed an apprentice. According to family diaries, Thomas Crissop later became a coxswain to the Royal Yacht (presumably George the Fourth) and later still became a ships Captain. He must have passed on his knowledge of ships laden with produce and wealth of the colonies coming up the Thames to London, so that all his grandchildren with the exception of two sons and his youngest daughter left the motherland and migrated to Australia. There is a legend in the Morris Family that Captain Crissop owned valuable Property on the London Docks.
Some years later his Australian heirs made inquiries regarding this legend and were informed that Captain Crissop had been lost at Sea and his body was never recovered, and as there had been no will found, such property had passed into chavery.
The Parents of George Robert Morris were involved in dairying and shop keeping in old Kent road London. The Story of George Robert Morris and his sojourn in the Bowen district is best told in his obituary which is compiled and printed in the Bowen independent News Paper at the time of his death, and tell of his business and pioneering efforts of that time.
The Story of his son Andrew John Richard Morris Jnr is also condensed and mentioned in his obituary which I will also read to the audience.
The Legacy of these old pioneers who have since passed on has been passed down to hundreds of descendants living in the district today who make up the citizenry of this pleasant old town of Bowen.
End of Part one of the Morris Family Stoiry, rewritten by Oscar Henry Morris-Boyd,
The Death of George Robert Morris, Great Grandfather To Oscar Henry Morris-Boyd, Robert George Boyd and Mabel Myra Lederhose.
Story, The Setting of the Sun
There passed away peacefully at his residence at Pennsfield Euri Creek on Wednesday night last at the age of seventy-seven years and ten months one George Robert Morris, one of the oldest and most respected residents of Bowen.
The Deceased had been ill on and off for some time, but not seriously, but must have passed away in his sleep on Wednesday night, being found dead in his bed on Thursday morning,” in a very peaceful attitude”.
He was a Native of old Kent Road London S.E. Mr. Morris came to Australia in his teens and followed mining, timber getting and coach driving in Victoria and New South Wales, and in the latter colony he was known for many years, (in the good old bush ranging days) as one of Cobb and Co’s leading drivers, and he used to boast that he had not been stuck up once.
He came to Bowen in the year of 1864 and engaged in livery stable business owning that fine building the Newmarket Horse Bazaar which was erected where the Shire Hall now stands, he was also engaged in store keeping for many years in conjunction with which he ran a blacksmith and wheelwright business and also carried on auctioneering, it was he who heading a reduction in groceries advertisement declared it as a war in (Sleepy Hollow) and therefore christened Bowen such an unsuitable and uncalled for name, as the place had more hills then hollows.
Over Thirty Years ago he retired from active town business and settled down to pastoral pursuits on Euri Creek where he was fairly successful. In the old days he was a keen sport and once owned a noted mare called the (Flying Doe) this great filly was said to be sired by young Hercules a brother in blood to that great Horse (The Barb) and amongst the local Horses the (Flying Doe) was a real clinker having won many races and matches for her owner.
The other fine horses owned by him were Echo by Yattendon, and a horse called Thunderbolt. George Robert Morris was a great believer in the resources of the district and was never backward in putting his money into anything with the development of such resources as its object. He speculated largely in Normandy and Happy Valley plus Meringo and other Gold fields and in the first meat Works Company at Merinda and also the Bowen Dairy Company, and in most instances never received any return, being a shrewd business man he made many good and sound speculations, but lost heavily through failing to put the screws on when the need arose.
George Robert Morris leaves behind him two sons Messrs A and G.J.Morris and six Daughters Mrs. Sosar, Edmonds, Phillips, Fischer, O’Connor, and G.C.Morris and a large number of Grandchildren, the Service was performed by the Rev Hills of the Church of England was a very impressive one, Titled (The Setting of the Sun) and after reading the service the very Rev Gentleman addressed the gathering in a very able manner, the passing away of the late Mr. Morris removes a very familiar figure from our midst and one which will not be soon forgotten.
In our report of the death of the late George Robert Morris in our last issue we inadvertently omitted to mention in the list of the bereaved relatives his daughters a Mrs. F, A. Anderson of Euri Creek and a Miss Clara Morris.
We have also discovered that the late Gentleman, (Mr. George Robert Morris) passed away at 6-30 A.M. on Thursday Morning after awakening at 5-30 A.M. and complained of internal pains,
End of Story.
These records were sent to me, (one Oscar Henry Morris Boyd) by the Bowen Historical Society and Museum Inc, and the records come from the then Bowen Independent News Paper dated the 11th of November 1911, I have reworded some of these reports to make them clearer to my family, but the story remains the same.
Signed Oscar Boyd.
The Morris Family Story rewritten by Oscar Henry Morris-Boyd.
Part Three.
The Morris Family Story is taken from the Bowen Historical Society and Museum Inc
Which was sent to me on the 26-10-2000 and it starts the third chapter of the Morris tale with the celebration of the Centenary of Bowen on the 16-10-1959, which has prompted an old resident in the person of Mr. Andrew John Richard Morris to reminisce and tell a little of how he had seen the Town grow from infancy to its present thriving state, also he will go on to tell a little of his life as a resident of Bowen from the time of his birth less then seven years after the Port was first discovered by Captain Sinclair.
Mr. Morris was born on the 20-4-1866 the first of a Family of three Boys and nine Girls, He was born in the Family residence which joined the Blacksmith and Wheelwright and Grocery Store which was owned by his Father (George Robert Morris) on which site the premises of Bowen Motors now stand, His Father (George Robert Morris) also owned the stables which stood on the site where the present Wangaratta Shire Hall now stands.
Andrew John Richard Morris started school at the age of seven at the Bowen State School then a two storied brick building which was later demolished by a tornado, this tornado was responsible for the demolition of the Hospital also which was then situated at the rear of the present Town Council Chambers, and the only patient a boy named Willie Saxbury was killed when the building collapsed, this tornado struck a body blow to early Bowen, but like the present generation, (who have witnessed two crippling cyclones in the space of ten short months) the pioneers soon set upon the task of rebuilding.
Andrew John Richard Morris remembers the time when the Aboriginals would come to town for a periodic issue of blankets and then hold a corroboree near where J.E. Kelly’s Butchery is now situated, (Post script, I remember J.E.Kelly’s Butchery) Now to continue the story. Bowen was then the major Port of supply for the Pioneers of the North hinterland during Andrew John Richard Morris’s early days, a party of ragged unkempt convicts who had escaped from New Caledonia landed in Bowen suffering from a state of exhaustion, the Police Magistrate of that time asked Andy plus Sam Riddle and Robbie Thoben to canvass the Town to obtain clothing etc etc, for the convicts, these Convicts were later returned to New Caledonia. During Andrew John Richard Morris’s boyhood his father (George Robert Morris) kept several good race horses and on one occasion won six races on the program and Mr. Strickland’s horse won the seventh, Mr. Strickland later owned a horse called Ben Bolt which won the Caulfield Cup, Andrew (Andy) went on to comment that Bowen Racing enthusiast in those days were much keener then the very poor patronage of the present race meetings.
And about this time the first sports meeting was held on the site of the old football ground with Andy. (Andrew) taking his share of the prizes for foot running. (Post Script, Most likely bare foot running) because we always ran bare footed. Now these notes came to me from the Bowen Historical Society and Museum Inc on the 26-10-2000 and I have reworded this story to make it read better.
Signed Oscar Henry Morris-Boyd, 5-1-2005.
Andrew Morris’s first job after leaving school was to be apprenticed to his Father (George Robert Morris) as a Blacksmith However he soon tired of this occupation and went to Pennsfield his Fathers Grazing property to assist Mr. Thompson who was managing it, and it was while working at Pennsfield that he made a decision to enlist in the Volunteer Rifles, and he had many happy memories of his service when they went by boat to their annual camp to Kissing Point at Townsville, and some old Members of his unit were Bob Smith, Albert Smith, Bennett Martin, Jack Gustafson, Alex Miller, Frank Johnson, and Willie Casson, plus Lieutenant Dickie who was the Manager of the Bank of New South Wales, and the Regimental Medical Officer was Dr Brown also from Bowen
And it was during one of these annual Camps that he witnessed the daring exploits of a Miss Fantassle who was suspended by a trapeze from a Balloon while he and his fellow members were employed on the task of holding the Balloon down by ropes before its ascent.
Andrew was still working at his Fathers property Pennsfield with his brother George when he was married at the age of Twenty Five to Miss Ellie O’Connor who had Migrated from Ireland on the ill-Fated Migrant Ship the S.S. Dacca, the ship was wrecked in the Red Sea during her voyage, and whilst at Pennsfield his Eldest Son George was born, and he later moved to Doogo, (This name was later changed to Merinda) where he worked in the employ of “Bergl Australia Ltd” who then owned the Meatworks, and Andrew remembers the time when he worked as a freezer hand for Nine Pence an hour, ( or roughly eight cents an hour) our money now, and if you were to add up Nine Pence an hour for an eight hour day, that would work out wt Six Shillings a day or Thirty Shillings a week, that is one Pound Ten Shillings a week, Three Dollars in our Money per week. And when they brought in the Dollar we lost Three Shillings and Four Pence of our Money, for there was 240 Pence to the Pound and when the Dollar came in we only got 200 cents for our Quid so we lost 40 Pence which is Three Shillings and Four pence, so if we were working for that same money today we would be getting about Two Dollars and Forty Nine cents a week. But anyway on with the story.
Andrew also worked on the slaughter floor of the Meat works before the days of high powered saws, having to saw the carcass down by hand using the old style cross cut saw.
Andrew later left the meat works to work on the construction of a rail link between Bowen and Townsville, and later still he worked on the construction of the Collinsville line, and he was employed by the Railway Department up to the date of his retirement in 1932.
Andrew is a good advertisement for the health giving properties of the Bowen climate, and he makes claim of being the oldest local born resident.
Story = Ill Fated Voyage of the S.S. Dacca.
Rewritten by Oscar Henry Morris For Computer.
The S.S, Dacca was a steam Sailing ship which regularly brought British Immigrants to the Australian colonies especially Queensland, Her route took her to such ports as Malta,
Port Said, Aden, Batavia, Thursday Island, plus Queensland Ports, and terminated in Brisbane.
The S.S. Dacca left London in early May 1890 for what was to be her last journey and after the S.S, Dacca had successfully passed through the Suez Canal her voyage was abruptly brought to an end on the morning of May the 16th 1890 on this day, the ship filled with British Migrants struck the Dodalus Reef in the Red Sea and foundered, although there was no time to save Cargo or personal luggage, (no life was lost in the ordeal) and the behavior of the people on a whole was good, and the behavior of the single women was excellent, though the end result would have been disastrous had not the Russian Ship (Palamcotha) been close by, and all the passengers and the crew were rescued and were to be disembarked at Suez, fortunately another British Ship was in Suez, She was the S.S. Taroba which had left London on June the 3rd 1890 and was enroute to the Australian colonies as well, and its Captain was A Morris, its Surgeon superintendent was one Thomas Hickling, the Matron was one Mrs Tyrons, and owing to the representations of Thomas Hickling The S.S, Dacca’s passengers were not disembarked at Suez, for the City was rife with disease (cholera) and the Master of the “Palamcotha” The Russian Ship was persuaded to keep the passengers of the ship wreck S.S. Dacca on board at Suez until arrangements could be made for them to go directly onto the S.S. Taroba this ship was carrying 200 passengers and had to accommodate another 260 passengers, finally the S.S. Taroba left Suez on June the 15th 1890, one man died in Suez from disease, and his wife and another young woman decided to return to London.
Although it was not the scheduled rout for the S.S. Taroba the ship called in at Rockhampton Queensland to offload passengers which would have disembarked in Queensland Ports further to the North, The S.S. Taroba finally arrived in Brisbane on July the 22nd 1890.
On the matter of compensation every adult passenger was required to list all items lost and value them the Surgeon Superintendent and the Matron discussed each list with each passenger from the S.S. Dacca, “Ball Dresses trimmed with lace not being considered necessary to the outfit of a domestic servant plus expensive Jewelry solid silver cups and silver table service all of which should have been declared and freight paid on them were nor allowed for, one man valued his loss at 220 Pounds but cheerfully took 120 Pounds, nearly 5000 Pounds in compensation was paid, claims for unjust compensation were made, however as reported by the immigration Officer to the Colonial Secretary on the 30-7-1890 asking for compensation for services performed in the loss of the S.S. Dacca, the grounds for asking for compensation being for the extra work, anxiety, and the mental strain, as well as having the journey increased by one half.
Among those “Dacca” Passengers rescued was Mary O’Connor (50 years) James O’Connor (18 Years) and Ellen O’Connor (16 years) all arrived at Bowen on the
21-7-1890 on the “Barcoo” ex S.S, Taroba.
At Rockhampton none went into Depot but left the Steamer with friends, it is know that Bridget arrived on the 21-11-1881 and Maurice arrived on the 5-2-1886 and were in Bowen and there is a possibility that there was more of Mary’s children there also, Ellen O’Connor went on to Marry Andrew John Richard Morris, and James O’Connor Married Sarah Chyrshop Morris both were the children of George Robert and Nancy Morris.
Signed by Kevin. J. Morris.
Dated the 16-4-86.
(Qsa Col/A 1890; 7992, 8229, 8249)
Bowen Historical Society and Museum Inc.
Retyped again with some minor changes to the wording, to make this story read better for my Family.
Signed Oscar Henry Morris-Boyd, 6-1-2005.
Digger- Queensland Pioneers Index – 1829- 1889.
Morris Harriet Elizabeth Birth.
George Robert Nancy Hammock 07-09-1865. )
1867 / 000020 L.R.. =Same )
Morris Harriett Eliza Birth 07-09- 1865 )
George Robert Nancy Hummock. )
1867 / 000021 M.B. )
Morris Andrew John Richard Birth 02-04-1867.
George Robert Nancy Humuck
1867 / 000064.
Morris Sarah Chrisop Birth 04-03-1872.
George Robert Nancy Humue Morris
1872 / 000031.
Morris Elizabeth Mary Ann Birth 25-12- 1869 Grand Ma.
George Robert Nancy Hamae.
1872 / 000 237 L.R.
Morris George James Birth 15-10- 1873.
George Robert Nancy Humne Morris
1873 / 0000 94.
Morris Catherine Birth 03- 08- 1876.
George Robert Nancy Humuch Morris
1876 / 000113.
Morris Nancy Jane Birth 03-09-1877.
George Robert Nancy Hunneh Morris
1877 / 000115.
Morris Matilda Birth 06-11-1879.
George Robert Nancy Hannah Morris
1880 / 000115.
Morris Chrisop Birth 05-03-1882
George Robert Nancy Hannah Morris.
1882 / 000202.
Morris Isabella Birth 10-05-1884.
George Robert Nancy Hannah Morris.
1884 / 000264.
Morris Clara Birth 10-5-1887.
1887 / 000330.
L.R. Late Registration
M.B. Marine Birth.
Morris Family Time Line.
Crisop Thomas and Eleanor.
Crisop. Thomas. And Mary (Johnson).
Morris. John and Rebecca Caroline (Crisop)
Morris. George and Nancy (Hummuch).
Morris. Andrew John Richard and Ellen (O’Connor)
Morris. Winifred Georgina and Murray George (Harriott)
Morris George Robert and Rose Rebecca (Allinson)
Harriott. Pauline Rebecca and Graham Jeffery (Wilson)
Wilson. Tahnee Rebecca
1768 (May 15) Baptism of Thomas. Son Thomas and Eleanor Crisop Carpenter at
Follybridge St Mary Magdalene Church Bermondsey London.
1785 (August 25) Apprentice Binding of Thomas Crisop Jnr aged 17.3 Years
1788 (Circa) Birth of John Morris Country Surrey London.
1792 (August) Thomas made free. Now member of the worshipful company of Watermen and Lightermen.
1796 (August 1 ) Marriage of Thomas Crisop and Mary Johnson St Martain-in –the Field Church, Westminster London.
1809 (January 19) Birth of Rebecca Caroline Crisop Daughter of Thomas and Mary Crisop, Waterman of Queen Street Deptford London.
(February 15) Baptism of Rebecca Caroline Crisop, St Paul’s Church Deptford London.
1827 (Oct 1) Marriage of John Morris (Aged 39 yrs) and Rebecca Caroline Crisop aged (18 yrs) St Giles Church, Canberwell, London
1834 Jan 12) My Great Grandfather, Birth of George Robert Morris, son of John and Rebecca Morris of 21 Northhampton Place, Old Kent Road London.
(Feb 2 ) Baptism of George Robert Morris St George the Martyr Church Southwark London
1845 (July /August) Birth of Nancy Hummuch, My great Grandmother, Daughter of John Bradley and Mary at Moonaran in the Colony of New South Wales Australia.
1849 (Nov 18) Death of John Morris aged 61 yrs.
===(Nov 21) Burial of John Morris. St George the Martyr Church Southwark London.
1852 (Sept 16) Remarriage of Rebecca Caroline Morris to Henry Emmens St Olave’s Church Southwark London.
1867 (April 20) Birth of Andrew John Richard Morris son of George Robert Morris and Nancy Hummuch at Bowen in the Colony of Queensland Australia.(My great Grandparents)
1869 (March 16) Marriage of George Robert Morris and Nancy Hummuch in Bowen in the house of George Robert Morris according to the rites of the C.Of.E.
1875 (May 5 ) Birth of Ellen O’Connor Daughter of Malachi and Mary (Twoomey) at Killarney Kerry Ireland..
1880 (August 19 ) Death of Rebecca Caroline Emmens / Morris at 6 Claude Villas Grove Vale, Dulwich aged 70 Yrs.
1890 (May 16 ) Shipwreck of the S.S. Dacca on Dodalus Reef in Red Sea, on Board were Mary O’Connor (50 yrs) James O’Connor (18 Yrs ) Ellen O’Connor (16 Yrs )
1890 (July 21 ) Arrival at Bowen of the O’Connor Family on Barcoo Ex Taroba.
1892 (Nov 2 ) Marriage of Andrew John Richard Morris and Ellen O’Connor in Bowen according to the rites of the Catholic Church St Mary’s Bowen.
1893 (Oct 3 ) Death of Nancy Morris at Bowen aged 48 Yrs.
1894 (June 3 ) Birth of George Robert Morris son of Andrew John Richard and Ellen Morris at Bowen.
1895 (Dec 14 ) Birth of Rose Rebecca Allinson, Daughter of Harry and Elizabeth Ann Allinson (Hill ) at Stour Kent England
1911 (Dec 9 ) Death of George Robert Morris, My Great Grand father, aged 78yrs at Pennsfield Euri Creek Bowen Qld.
1912 (Jan 1 ) Arrival in Brisbane of the S.S. Waipara, Rose Rebecca Allinson en route to Bowen.
1915 (Sept 15 ) Marriage of George Robert Morris and Rose Rebecca Allinson at Bowen St Mary’s Church.
1928 (July 5 ) Birth of Winifred Georgina Morris Daughter of George Robert and Rose Morris at Bowen Qld.
1924 ( Sept 9 ) Birth of Murray George Harriott at Ararat Victoria.
1935 ( April 5 ) Death of Ellen Morris, Wife of Andrew John Richard Morris at Bowen Qld aged 60 Years.
1951 ( August 11 ) Marriage of Winifred Georgina Morris and Murray George Harriott at St Mary’s Church Bowen Qld.
The End.
Written History of the Boyd Clan
The earliest record of Boyd is in Irvine in Ayrshire 1205 as vassals of the Norman family of de Morvilles. There are a number of origins suggested for this name including the Gaelic “Boid” literally meaning “of Bute”( an island in the Clyde estuary) Others believe that the name was Norman in origin. Another Suggestion is the Gaelic “buidhe” meaning “fair” and that Robert,a nephew of Walter the High Steward of Scotland was the first of the Clan. But as the High Stewards were from Brittany it seems unlikely that they would use a Gaelic Nickname ( or would be fair haired)
Sir Robert Boyd was a strong supporter of “Robert the Bruce” and his success as a Commander at the “Battle of Bannockburn” in 1314 led to him being granted lands in Ayrshire, particularly around Kilmarnock. They were raised to the peerage by King James 11 and Lord Boyd was one of the regents of Scotland during the minority of King James 111,while a younger Boyd was a Military tutor to the young King. Lord Boyd became Great Chamberlain and his Son, Thomas, Married Mary, the Kings Sister and was appointed Earl of Arran. However, their Enemies conspired to convince the King that the Boyds were becoming too powerful and in 1469 they were summoned to answer charges against them. Lord Boyd escaped to England and the Earl of Arran, who was abrosd at the time, remained in exile.
The Family returned to favour under “Mary Queen of Scots” and all their estates and honours were restored. Lord Boyd supported her at the “Battle of Langside” in 1568 and continued to visit her when she was later imprisoned in England.
The 10th Lord Boyd was created Earl of Kilmarnock in 1661 by King Charles 11. The 3rd Earl fought against the Stuarts in the 1716 Jacobite Uprising, but the 4th Earl was a Jacobite supporter and was executed in London after the “Battle of Culloden” in 1746. All the Boyd titles were forfeited but the eldest son succeeded to the Earldom of Errol in 1758, through his mother, and took the surname Hay. In 1941 the brother of the 22nd Earl of Errol resumed the name of Boyd and the title of Lord Kilmarnock as well as becoming chief of the clan.
A Boyd from Wigtown immigrated to Australia and a town in New South Wales was named after him. A number of Boyds went to Ulster with the Scots settlers and some of these moved on later to the USA
Bibliography: Ian Grimble, Scottish Clans and Tartans, Lomond, London, 1993.
J.D. Mackie, A History of Scotland, Penguin, London, 1964.
Notes by R.W. Boyd, December 1995.