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Dodd's Family Hotel,
Mrs. Mowbray (nee Dodd)
Dodd's Family Hotel, Cooma. This leading tourist house is on the road to Mt.
Kosciusko, and is connected by regular motor service. Hot water is laid on in
all bedrooms Dodd's Hotel is the keystone to all other districts, and a trip to
The Caves at Yarrangobilly would not be complete without paying a visit to this
hotel. Mrs. Ryan purchased the business about six years ago and erected a new
wing, also made extensive improvements, and renovations for the comfort and
accommodation of guests. First-class meals are served in the spacious
dining-room, where attention and civility are most prominent. Mrs. Mowbray (nee
Dodd) was the original owner, hence the name Dodd's Family Hotel. Motorists,
tourists and travellers are specially catered for at this modern hotel, which
possesses twelve lock-up garages, electric light, sewerage, etc.