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Thomas Gillon
Rock Forest Run 1830's


THOMAS GILLON came to Manaro in the thirties with his two brothers, Robert and James, as employees of Cosgrove and York. He went to Adaminaby and there managed Rock Forest Run for John Curtis, of Braidwood, after a member of Curtis Bros., of Cooma, butchers. Thomas Gillon, in his early days, spent a good deal of time in and about Gibson's Plains, as Kiandra was called then, and is credited after 1859 with being one of those following upon Pollock Bros. to discover payable gold there. During the sixties he was the mailman to Kiandra, the work being more often performed by his son John, who, born at Adaminaby in 1850, is well known in Cooma as the keeper of the billiard room attached to the Australian Hotel

"BACK TO COOMA" Felix Mitchell 1926 Page 77 - Transcribed by Pattrick Mould 2002 


Alexander James Chessor

Arella Chessor nee Gillon

Kathleen Chessor  

Images supplied by Malcolm Aldous

Descendants of Patrick Gillon
Compiled from the new Monaro Pioneers database:  20.06.08
with additional information supplied by:
Malcolm Aldous  11.09.08
Jenny Woodcroft [lintywhite-at-yahoo.com] 3.02.11
Cheryl Simpson <simpsons26-at-bigpond.com> 15.03.13


Descendants Report



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