James (William) Kiss
Nimmitabel c1832
(Last changed
Thursday June 21, 2012) Descendants of James (William) Kiss
David Smith 03.03.06
Norma Lynch: <norma.lynch-at-optusnet.com.au> 08.03.06
John Withers <red-at-southernphone.com.au> 08.03.06,
Patricia Marsh <swampets-at-tpg.com.au> 22.04.06
Heather Hunter <heather.hunter-at-blueyonder.co.uk> 20.08.06
Bill Jocelyn <wjocelyn-at-bigpond.net.au> 20.08.06, 22.11.06
Stephen Haynes <stephay-at-ozemail.com.au> 22.11.06
Recompiled from the new Monaro Pioneers database by Ian Harvey:
with some
additional information supplied by:
Judy Jamieson
[granjam1-at-bigpond.net.au] 5.01.09
Karen Kiss [kkiss-at-iinet.net.au] 2.03.10
Descendants Report |