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Charles Duncan McKeahnie
Adaminaby c1894
Biogrphical Information from John Richards <jrichrds-at-bigpond-net-au>
I picked up a couple more snippets from a typescript held at the National Library
Author: Lea-Scarlett, Errol, 1932-
Title: The Queanbeyan age index : being summaries of notices of births, marriages and deaths etc., notified in several newspapers published at Queanbeyan, N.S.W., principally under the editorship of the late John Gale, 1830 - 1929 : the Golden age, 1860-1862 ; the Queanbeyan observer, 1898-1907 ; the Queanbeyan age, 1908-1919 / compiled by E.J. Lea-Scarlett.
Publisher: [Queanbeyan, N.S.W. : E.J. Lea-Scarlett?], 1957.
Description: 203 p. ; 32 cm.
Notes: Photocopy of typescript.
Queanbeyan Observer 5-12-1899
McKeahnie, Elizabeth, wife of Charles McKeahnie, Blyth Burn, mother of Elizabeth, Blyth Burn; Charles Henry, Booroomba; and Archibald, Well Station, Canberra died 5-12-18999, aged nearly 88. She came to the district with her husband and one child in 1838. They lived first at Canberra, but then resided for some years in Queanbeyan. She was the mother of the first white child born in the town - Mr.A.A. McKeahnie, of Adaminaby. In 1859 her husband purchased the Booroomba property from the late Mr. William Davis, senr., and retired a few years ago to the adjacent Blyth Burn. To be interred Presbyterian
Cemetery Queanbeyan, 7-12-1899
Queanbeyan Observer 9-12-1899
A further lengthy article re above. Mother also of Alexander A McKeahnie, J.P., Adaminaby; and George McKeahnie, Breadalbane. Mother in law of A. Pedan, J.P., Bumbalong. The first white child buried in Queanbeyan was her then only daughter, who had been brought from Scotland by her parents, and was buried where Beatty's slaughtering paddock now stands. Mrs. McKeahnie was a grand-niece of the heroic Sir John Moore.
Queanbeyan Observer 10-12-1901
A poem of six stanzas to her memory inserted by her daughter E.J. M.
28 April 1903
McKeahnie, Charles, died at his residence, 'Blythburn', Booroomba, 27-4-1903 aged 93, having outlived his wife by a few years. Upwards of 60 years since he arrived in the Queanbeyan district. Purchased Booromba from William Davis, father of the former owner of Ginninderra and Gungahlin who now resides at Woodhousie, Goulburn. Father of Alex, Adaminaby, Archie, Well Station, Canberra; George, Glenburn; C.H. McKeahnie, Booroomba; Mrs. A. Peden, Bumbalong, Colinton and Mrs. E.J. McKeahnie, Blythburn. His descendants number many grand and great grandchildren. Interred Presbyterian Cemetery Riverside.
8 May 1903
Lengthy Biographical article re above:
Arrived under the Auspices of Dr. Lang in the ‘Royal George’, 1838 and reached Queanbeyan in December 18 after a journey by bullock team lasting about 3 months. After 12 months at Acton entered employ of Mr. John GREY storekeeper and squatter, Queanbeyan. A year later he took charge of Mr. Grey’s Bobeyen Station, South Murrimbidgee Ranges, and 2 years afterwards purchased Bobeyen from Mr. Grey. 3 years later he sold out to Alexander Crawford, and managed Budgenby, which he purchased after 4 years from Dr. Sherwin. He later bought Booroomba and Congewarra, selling the latter to Mr. Cunningham, and
afterwards purchasing Orroral. Great grand father of Mary Winters
Descendants of Charles Duncan McKeahnie

John Richards <jrichrds-at-bigpond-net-au>
Recompiled from the new Monaro Pioneers database
Descendants Report
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