Sunday School - Don Howard - Brian Thistleton - Barry xx - xx xx - Peter Goed |
Methodist Church
These two photos from Peter Goed |
From the Cooma-Monaro Express
A church no more
Friday, 13 August 2004
NIMMITABEL parishioners of the Uniting Church held a sad final service in their church last Saturday.
The church was decommissioned after a century of worship and the final service attracted a full house.
Worshippers discovered only last week the church was in fact 100 years old, having been built in 1904. It was originally the Methodist Church, until the churches become one, the Uniting Church. The church was constructed of local, hand-cut timber and each beam was numbered with Roman numerals. In 1958, the church was renovated, extended, carpeted, painted and a cross was erected. On September 6, 1958, the church was rededicated.
Throughout its life, the church has been referred to as "the little white church" and has been an important part of the life of parishioners. The late Daisy Clark taught Sunday school there for many years, with up to 25 children in attendance at times. Local families who were regular worshippers at the church included:
Grace, Pat and Bev Haylock; Max and Jean Evans; Ray and Marguerite Clarke; Ivan and Dell Evans; Gordon and Mercia Thistleton; Harold and Val Thistleton; Stuart and Robyn Clarke and Rhonda Golby. Sue and Peter Tozer and the Rayner children also attended Sunday School there.
The funeral service for Nell Robinson was one of the last services in the church.
The church has been decommissioned because of economic reason - the costs of keeping the church operating as such are too much for the parishioners to cope with.
The church will be offered for sale.
Submitted by Bart Treuren <barttr-at-euronet-nl>