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Jeffrey Bobbin
Nimmitabel c1855
(Last changed
Thursday May 31, 2012)
The following photo was supplied by Michael Povey <mpovey-at-tpg.com.au>
COOMA EXPRESS 1st February 1935
Obituary Mr. Henry Bobbin, Snr
Mr. Henry Bobbin Snr, for many years residents in this district, says the Eden "Magnet" died at his home at Shadrack's Creek on the night of Saturday 19th January, aged 78 years. He was a native of Monaro, and his wife who was Miss Ellen Summerill, was also a Monaro native. Mr Bobbin had been suffering fore about 5 months, but prior to that time had enjoyed generally good health, and despite the burden of accumulating years, was remarkably erect and vigorous. He had a kind and companionable disposition and will be much
missed by his numerous friends and relatives. Surviving him are his widow, and sons Henry, David, Clarence, William, Claude, Wilfred and John and daughters Annie (Mrs. M. Walker) Elizabeth Emily (Mrs. W. Cuzner) Louisa (Mrs. J. Veness) and Maud (Mrs James De La Mare), Two sons Leaton, and another and a daughter Ellen Phoebe, pre deceased him.
The funeral took place in Eden Cemetery on Sunday afternoon, when there was a large gathering of town and district residents assembled at the graveside. The burial service was conducted by the Rev H.T. Genge, and the funeral arrangements were carried out by Messrs Manning and sons Bega.
NOTE: Deceased was a son of the late Mr. & Mrs. James Bobbin, of Nimmitabel, and he and his wife were both well known residents of Nummitabel.