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John Plowright
c1859, Ashton

Edward Neale Plouright

In 1888 he had conducted his shoe business in Bombala for 23 years. This Boot and Shoe  Maker, was born at Hallaton, Near Uppingham,England, in 1835  After being educated in his native town, he was apprenticed to Mr Franks, boot and shoemaker of Leicester, for a term of four years.  He remained with that gentleman until 1857, when he sailed for New South Wales, and on his arrival in Sydney, worked for some time at his trade in that city and at Parramatta,  He next spent some little time at Windsor, after which he went to Twofold Bay, and resided at Lochiel for a period of twelve months with Mr. Joseph Hyde.  Going to Monaro, he opened a business at Aston for one year.  He then went into business at Pambula for five years, after which he opened his present establishment at Bombala, and has now held it for 23 years.  He carries on a good trade in boots of local and imported manufacture.  In 1857 he was married to Elizabeth, third daughter of Mr. James Watts, of Hathern, England, by whom he has a family of four children.

From the "Centennial History of New South Wales", published in 1888, submitted by Barbara Adams

Descendants of John Plowright
Barbara Adams <dad95624-at-bigpond.net.au> 31.07.06 

Recompiled from the new Monaro Pioneers database: 6.08.07


Descendants Report





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