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Thomas Power
Cooma c1859


Photos supplied by Lorraine Ashford [matilda-may-49-at-hotmail.com] 17.07.10

Eliza Schofield nee Power

Randall Schofield


Ethel Fuller nee Schofield


Austin Thomas Schofield


Descendants of Thomas Power

Rachel Sackley <rachelfruitbat-at-hotmail.com>
Cynthia Bownds <cynthia.bownds-at-bigpond.com> 22.04.06
Elizabeth Paouris <paouris-at-bigpond.com>  20.12.06
Derek Goodwin <goodwin178-at-optusnet.com.au>  20.12.06

Recompiled from the new Monaro Pioneers database:  11.09.08
with some additional information supplied by:
Ronda East [jreast7-at-bigpond.com] 16.11.09
Carole Wheeler [casmic04-at-bigpond.net.au] 18.11.09


Descendants Report





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