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Thomas and Matthew Power
Monaro c1868
(Last changed Saturday June 23, 2012)


The following photos were supplied by Michael Povey <mpovey-at-tpg.com.au> 4.09.11

The following photo was supplied by Jane Lester [je.lester-at-bigpond.com] 4.10.11
Mary Ellen (Nellie) Miners (nee Lynch) 1875-1957 standing on right; sitting is Mary Willis (nee Power) Mary Ellen's cousin (1880-1960)  

Descendants of William Power
Contributed by Leony Power, we are grateful to Leony for making available her book.

Recompiled from the new Monaro Pioneers database:  11.09.08
with some additional information supplied by:
Bob Howison [how001-at-optusnet.com.au] 24.01.09


Descendants Report





Monaro Pioneers

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