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John Rankin
Mount Cooper, Nimitybelle 1843
(Last changed Saturday June 23, 2012)




Randolf Rankin 1875
Ron Rankin Collection



The home of Allan and Alice Rankin.
Ron Rankin Collection
Allan built the house c1900, Allan died 1900, Ron's grandmother Alice Rankin lived there until her death in 1941. She operated the Steeple Flat Post Office for over 30 years


Alice Rankin 1940
Ron Rankin Collection

Amos Rankin 1950
Ron Rankin Collection


John and Ethel Rankin
Ron Rankin Collection

Ron Rankin holding Tony Williams 1939
Ron Rankin Collection


Obituary of Alice Rankin, the cutting is from the Cooma Monaro express of June 1941.
Ron Rankin 28.12.05


The following photos were supplied by Jacqui [iuqcaj@optusnet.com.au]

William Wood and Ellen Rankin

William Wood


Eileen May Wood


John Thomas Rankin and Lucy May Power - Wedding Day

Descendants of Donald Rankin

Numerous members,
with an update from
Ronald Rankin [ronaldrnkn161-at-gmail.com] 02.02.06 
Further research by David Smith  12.07.06
Matthew Rankin <matty88-at-iprimus.com.au>

Recompiled from the new Monaro Pioneers database:  25.06.08
with some additional information supplied by:

Bill Webster [wbwebster-at-optusnet.com.au]  29.12.08
Judy McCutcheon [judymcc-at-aapt.net.au]  30.12.08

and some additional research by Ian Harvey. 
Judy hirst [viminalis12-at-netspace.net.au] 22.12.10


Descendants Report





Monaro Pioneers

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