Australian Resources

Archives and Records Offices
- Archives
Office of Tasmania
This site contains guides to the Public Records of Tasmania.
Several of the guides, which cover the Colonial Secretary's Office,
the Governor's Office and the Convict Department, can be downloaded.
The guides also provide references to a number of original documents
which are held in the Mitchell Library at the State Library of New
South Wales.
- Colonial
Secretary Index, 1788-1825
The correspondence of the Colonial Secretary covered all aspects
of the early administration of the colony of NSW. State Records NSW
provides this searchable index to the Colonial Secretary's papers.
- Directory
of Archives in Australia
This site provides details about archival and historical
organisations in Australia.
Family History Centres
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (LDS), commonly
known as the Mormons, collect many records of interest to the family
history researchers. Their Family History Centres are open to the
public at no charge. search the database to find a centre near to
- National
Archives of Australia
The National Archives of Australia holds material on immigrants
and refugees, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, members
of the defence forces,government employees, subjects of surveillance
by security and intelligence agencies, or as prisoners of war or
internees. Records held by the Archives were generally created after
1901. It does not hold records of convicts, of colonial migration,
or of 19th century Australian history such as the gold rushes or
colonial administration.
- New
South Wales Archives Relating to Aboriginal People
This site provides information on how to gain access to
Aborigines Welfare Board, Aboriginal Lands Trust and Department of
Community Services and Aboriginal Services Branch Records. The guide
also lists holdings of records of the Aborigines Welfare Board
1883-1969 and State archives from other Government agencies relating
to Aboriginal People.
- Society of
Australian Genealogists
This site provides information about the Society's collection and
- State
Records NSW
This site (formerly known as the Archives Authority of NSW)
contains information on useful resources such as the Colonial
Secretary's papers. Several searchable databases can be accessed on
this site, including indexes to convicts and assisted immigrants.

Department of Lands links:
Parish Map Preservation Project
Images of Pastoral Maps, which show Pastoral Runs from the mid 1800s, are available for viewing on this site.
Parish Maps and Historic Maps includes County, Municipal, Parish or Town maps
The maps link I recommended for NSW Parish/Historical Maps has
changed. New site below.
Article: "The Parish Map in Family History research" is at
Births, deaths and marriages, including
divorce and cemetery indexes
- BDM:
the Australasian Registries of Births, Deaths and Marriages
This site provides links to Births, Deaths And Marriages
Registration Offices in Australia and New Zealand and some
international Registry Offices.
THE RYERSON INDEX to Contemporary Death Notices and
Obituaries in Australian Newspapers
- Cemeteries
in and Around Gunning Shire, New South Wales
This site provides headstone inscriptions for the cemeteries in
the Gunning Shire area.
- Divorce
Index Victoria 1861 - 1900
This site allows you to search an online database covering the
Divorce Index of Victoria between 1861 and 1900.
- Eastern
Suburbs Memorial Park, Sydney
This site covers Botany Cemetery and the Eastern Suburbs
Crematorium and has an online searchable database. Information on
Pioneer Park, where the headstones from Sydney's earliest burial
grounds have been relocated, is also available.
- FamilySearch
This site from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints
provides a searchable database of over 300 million names. The
database includes the Ancestral File indexes and the International
Genealogical Index. It also provides access to the Family History
Library Catalogue as well as thousands of indexed Web sites.
- Newcastle
This site provides links to an searchable index of headstone
transcriptions for four significant cemeteries in the Newcastle area
- New
South Wales Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages
This site provides information on births, deaths and marriage
certificates and other useful genealogical information. The site
also allows you to search an online database which indexes births,
deaths and marriages in NSW.
- VicHeritage
Family History
This site provides access to the Historical Index database which
covers Victorian recorded births from 1836 to 1924, marriages from
1836 to 1939 and deaths from 1836 to 1985. You can also search the
Family Group database for couples that married or began having
children in Victoria between 1853 and 1860. The Family Group
database links parents and their children together and includes some
events not registered in Victoria including children born overseas
and overseas marriages. There is a charge made for this online
search facility.
- Tasmanian
Family Link
This site allows you to search an online database which contains
records of births, deaths, and marriages and similar events held in
the Archives Office of Tasmania.

Convicts and the First Fleet
- Convicts
to Australia : a Guide to Researching Your Convict Ancestors
This site lists by ship, all female convicts sent to NSW from
England and Ireland between 1788 and 1828. The site also provides a
list of Censuses and Musters, a list of convict ships, a list of
convict gangs in 1821 and links to other convict sites.
- The
First Fleet Home Page
This site provides information about the people and ships of the
First Fleet. It includes a database of convicts which can be
downloaded and searched.
- First
Fleet Online
This site provides a database of First Fleet convicts, diary
extracts, stories and letters of the time and links to other
information about Australia's past.
- Index
to Certificates of Freedom, 1823-69
This index at the State Records NSW site covers certificates
issued to convicts who had completed their sentence.
- Irish
Convicts to Australia 1791 - 1820
This site allows you to search an online database which contains
information on Irish convicts who were transported to New South
Wales in the period 1791 - 1820.
- The
National Archives of Ireland
This site provides a searchable database of transportation
records of convicts sent from Ireland between 1788 and 1868.
- Ships
of the First Fleet
This site provides a picture and information on each ship that
sailed with the First Fleet.
- Index
to NSW Convict Tickets of Leave, 1810-1875
Published by the Society of Australian Genealogists, this is an
index of tickets of leave issued to NSW convicts from 1810 to 1875.

Court Records
Proceedings of the Old Bailey 1674
- 1834
Heritage Offices

- Australian
Service Nurses National Memorial
This site lists the names of Australian nurses who died during or
as a result of war service since the Boer War.
- Australian
War Memorial
Online searchable databases including:
Nominal Rolls
Details of people who served in conflicts including the First World
War and Second World War.
Roll of Honour
Australians who died while on active service with Australian forces.
Honours and
Honours and awards made to Australians while on active service in
various conflicts. Includes some recommendations not subsequently
granted, and some foreign awards and awards to foreign soldiers
serving with Australian units.
Australians who died during or as a result of wars in which
Australians served, but who were not serving in the Australian Armed
Forces and therefore not eligible for inclusion on the Roll of
- Commonwealth
War Graves Commission
This site provides a searchable register which lists personal and
service details and places of commemoration for the 1.7 million
members of the Commonwealths forces who died in the First or Second
World Wars.
- Register
of War Memorials in New South Wales
A register of all known war memorials throughout New South Wales,
searchable by personal name and location.
- Soldiers
and Marines Index 1787-1830
An index to musters and pay lists of British soldiers and marines
in the early colonial period. This index by the Society of
Australian Genealogists refers to microfilm reels of the Australian
Joint Copying Project which are available in the Mitchell Library.
- World
War Two Nominal Roll
A database of service records of individuals who served in
Australia's defence forces and the Merchant Navy during World War
Two. The database was compiled by the Department of Veterans'
Affairs by extracting data from original service records held by the
Department of Defence and the National Archives.
WW2 service records through the National Archives (AUS) site
abbreviations used in servicemen's records.
Certificates and short record of service at
RAAF marine section - Air/Sea Rescue
RAAF Meteorological Section
Aircraft history
Squadron info etc
WW1 website that combines the Nominal
Rolls, The Collection etc
Newspaper Indexes

Pathfinder Sites
- Australian
and New Zealand Genealogy
This pathfinder site provides links to genealogy sites relating
to Australia, Norfolk Island, New Zealand and Australian Aborigines.
- Australian
Family History Compendium
This site provides general genealogical information with links to
searchable databases which provide information on various aspects of
family history.
- Cora
Num's Genealogy Online
This provides useful links and information on researching
Australian family history. Subjects covered include Aboriginal and
Torres Strait Islanders, Occupations and Service Personnel from
Australia and New Zealand.
- Roots
Web: Australia and New Zealand
This site provides access to mailing lists on Australian and New
Zealand family history.
- Tasmanian
Family History
This site contains links to websites with content related to

Shipping and Immigration
