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Richard Shinfield 
Bombala c1858
(Last changed Monday June 25, 2012)


Thomas Shinfield 1869-1944

Cecil Thomas Shinfield (son of Thomas Shinfied and Ada Manning), and his wife Frances Josephine Shinfield nee Quinn

(L-R back row) James Shinfield born 1911, Cecil Shinfield born 1903, Thomas Shinfield born 1869, Ada Shinfield (nee Manning) born 1884 (Lady in black attire).
(L-R front Row) Sara May Ewart (nee Shinfield) born 1919, Olive Walker (nee Shinfield) born 1913 (Lady in white attire).

Photos supplied by Tom Shinfield [nan_and_da-at-hotmail.com]

Descendants of Richard Shinfield 

David Smith 02.03.06
Rob Burcher <rbu69405-at-bigpond.net.au> 06.04.06
Jeanette Hughes and Robert Hughes, <bill_hughes-at-bigpond.com> 18.06.06
Fay Walker <fay1-at-gil.com.au>   11.04.07
Thomas Shinfield <nan_da-at-hotmail.com>  11.04.07
Ross Walker <rlwalker-at-netspeed.com.au>  11.04.07
ompiled from the new Monaro Pioneers database:  22.09.08

with some additional information supplied by:
Thomas Shinfield
<nan_da-at-hotmail.com>  12.01.09 


Descendants Report





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