William Simon Stokes
Delegate c1847
(Last changed
Monday November 28, 2022)
Photo from Bevan Stone
OBITUARY - Mrs Jane Stokes -
'Delegate Argus' - 9 April 1914 edition
Deep and general regret was expressed on all sides when word reached
town on Thursday last Mrs Jane Stoke, of Quinburra, had passed away in
Sydney that morning. The deceased lady had not been enjoying good
health for some time, and some weeks ago proceeded to Sydney, where she
entered the Jenner Private Hospital and underwent a serious operation.
This was successful, and it was fondly hoped by her immediate
connections that it would not be long ere she was sufficiently recovered
to return home. However, God willed otherwise, for on Wednesday
she took a bad turn from which she never rallied, and,sinking rapidly, passed peacefully away as mentioned above. Two of
her daughters and one of the sons were with her at the last.
The deceased was the widow of the late Mr Charles Stokes, and was a
native of Eden, being a daughter of the late Mr and Mrs John Power.
After her marriage she resided for many years at Rocky Range, near
Delegate, but later removed to Quinburra. She was widely known
through the district and the widespread regret that is expressed at her
demise shows the high esteem in which she was held. A splendid
neighbour, she was likewise renowned for her charitable disposition, and
no worthy appeal was ever made to her in vain.
In her home-life she was a good wife and an ideal mother, and no
sacrifice was too great for her to make for her family. Mrs Stokes
was in her 63rd year, and leaves a family of three sons and six
daughter, they being Messrs. J. T; William and Chas. Stokes, Mesdames W
Clear, Arthur Ingram, Thos. Oliver, A. Rozynski, and Misses Nora and
Alice Stokes. To these and theother relatives we extend our deep sympathy.
The remains were brought to Cooma by train on Saturday morning and
thence on to Delegate, where they were interred in the Roman Catholic
portion of the cemetery on Sunday. The funeral was one of the
largest ever seen in Delegate, people coming from all portions of the
district to show their last mark of respect to one who was generally
In the absence of Rev. Father McCormick, Mr C P Gibb conducted the
prayers at the graveside.
The funeral arrangements were in the hands of Mr Robert Moore of
Contributed by Judy McCutcheon
of William Simon Stokes
Bevan Stone
Pat McGufficke <peandpat-at-ozemail-com-au>
McCutcheon <judymccutcheon3-at-gmail.com> 28.02.06, 25.03.06
Recompiled from the new Monaro Pioneers database:
with some additional information supplied by:
Olga Jewell [oje29316-at-bigpond.net.au] 1.09.10
Descendants Report