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John Murphy

Mary Murphy| Genealogy

My Great-Grandfather JOHN MURPHY arrived around 1833 c ... (as yet to be confirmed) from Kilkenny in Ireland.. according to his death certificate he was in the colonies for 49 years.. this makes his date of birth 1812c  
He Married Bridget BISHOP at BRAIDWOOD on 12 August 1861. Bridget had one daughter Mary prior to this marriage.
Seven children resulted from this marriage to Bridget.
James 1862, John  1864, William Francis 1867, Edward Michael  1869, Catherine  1871, Martin  1873 and Bridget 1875


              Martin Murphy

Bridget MURPHY nee BISHOP (she did marry a fellow by the name of Reynolds in the later years of her life but no children resulted from this.

Martin is my grandfather  ... he married Susan Corey and had three children by that marriage when she died...
He then married Mary Jane AYLING in 1905 at Cooma and had eleven children ..
All grew up and married in the Cooma area and the family still lives in the Monaro district.

Please forward any enquiries to : "Susie Bauer" <susiebauer@hotmail.com>

Descendants of John Murphy
 Compiled from the new Monaro Pioneers database:  14.08.08
with some additional information supplied by:
Bob Howison [how001-at-optusnet.com.au] 24.01.09


Descendants Report





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