The journey from Nimmitybelle to Nimmitabel is now complete and ready for your orders and payment, to enable us to get it printed and available for sale.
The book consists of personal profiles that you have contributed, relating a brief history of your life in Nimmitabel.
The History group hope you are delighted with the finished article. We have worked tirelessly in collating and compiling the book As amateurs we have learned a lot about the frustrations associated with computers and scanning of photos etc.
The content of the book is what you personally have contributed. Because of age and quality, all photographs are not of high quality.
This book was never intended to be a genealogy based book, but there are some interesting anecdotes and stories, and fascinating photos.
You will map the changes to lifestyle and occupations that has evolved over a relatively short period, but thats what history is, and why we will always ‘go back’ and reminisce about our family, and life as we knew it.
Because of the size of the book we were advised by our printers to present it in two volumes so that the book is not too large . In volume 2 after personal profiles, we have included the history of schools , churches etc and more wonderful photos.
For more informationPlease feel free to contact Rae Blyton blyton10@bigpond.net.au "Glenlee" NIMMITABEL NSW 2631, Australia
or Margaret Weston, Margaret Weston wyuna1@bigpond.com "Wyuna" Nimmitabel 2631, Australia .
The History book of Nimmitabel costs $45.00 + $10.00 postage