Eden/Monaro Pioneer
Families Index
Select the first letter of
the surname you are looking for: Names with the camera symbol indicate photos or images are available.
B, C,
D, E,
F, G,
H, I,
J, K,
L, M,
N, O,
P, Q,
R, S,
T, U,
V, W,
X, Y,
Fahey, Timothy
Fairley, Alexander Hicks - Braidwood 1838
Fairman, Charles - Bega
Falkner, Anthony
- Monaro District c1848
Farrell, John -
Nimmitabel c1858
Farrell, Thomas - Braidwood 1841
Faulder, Joseph Thomas - Yass 1848
Faulkner, Thomas Wren -
Cooma 1876
Faunce, Alured
Tasker - Queanbeyan 1837

Feagan, John - Lake George c1847
Feeney, Daniel - Cooma 1844

Feeney, Michael - Goulburn 1846
Feilen, John - c1871, Cooma
Fell, Joseph - Queanbeyan c1850
Feltis, John Senior
Feltis, John Junior
- Bombala 1859
Fensom, Job - Majors Creek c1843
Fergus, James - Cooma 1853
Ferry, Simon - Goulburn 1851
Ffrench, Peter - Araluen 1845
Field, William Anley - Queanbeyan 1848
Finch, Samuel - Braidwood c1860
Filtness, Henry - Cooma 1867
Finn, Charles - Berridale c1865
Fisher, Benjamin - Braidwood c1851
Fisher, Edward - Gunning 1841
Fitzgerald, John
- Bombala 1859
Flakelar, George
- Rose Valley 1856

Flanagan, Christopher (b1813) - Goulburn c1850
Christopher - Cooma 1869
Flanagan, Francis - Moruya
Flanagan, William - Cooma 1874
Fleming, Thomas
- Bukalong 1833
Charles - Cooma 1865
Fletcher, Edward - Braidwood 1838
Fletchett, Thomas -
Nimmitabel c1843
Flint, Thomas
- Jerrabomberra, 1844 
Flood, Thomas - Moruya c1858
Flynn, Daniel -
Queanbeyan 1856
Flynn, Jeremiah -
Monaro District 1845
Flynn, Thomas William - Bungendore 1850
Foley, Michael
- Bombala
Foley, Samuel
Foley, Timothy
- Cooma District 1846
Foord, Francis - Tumut 1847
Foote, Susan
- Bega 1853
Forbes, George
- Cooma 1850
Foreman, Richard John Kiora 1849
Forrest, James
Smith - Bombala 1864
William - Kiandra 1864
Forster, Thomas - Bergalia 1838
Foster, Richard -
Cooma c1853
Fowler, Henry
- Eden c1865
Francis, John
- Cooma c1864
Franklin, Joseph - Yass 1840
Fraser, William Thomas
Frawley, John - Warigubera
in 1842 + Pambula 1844 Freebody, John
Freebody, Joseph
Freebody, Simon
French, Daniel
- Tumut
Friend, Jesse - Queanbeyan
Fulton, John - Bombala 1872
Furner, Bob and Edith
