Eden/Monaro Pioneer
Families Index
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the surname you are looking for: Names with the camera symbol indicate photos or images are available.
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Gabriel, Augustus William - Queanbeyan 1856
Gahan, William
- Eden 1856
Gailey, George
- Tilba Tilba 1855 Gait, Thomas -
Moonbah 1850
Gallagher, Daniel - Bungendore
Galli, Charles
- Eden 1859
Galvin, Michael -
Rose Vale, Colinton

Gambell, William - Gundaroo 1837
Game, Thomas -
Bega c 1877
Gammon, Obadiah - Jindabyne c1860
Gann (Gahan), Patrick - Braidwood
Gannon, Timothy
- Moruya c1850
Garnock, George
The Rock and Bukalong c1846
Garrad, Robert - Milton
Gatehouse, James - Cooma 1857
Gates, Henry -
Eden c1860
Gaunson, William
- Eden 1853
Gearin, Patrick - Araluen 1855
Gee, James - Broulee 1840
Gelling, Thomas - Tumut
Gentle, Dr. Peter Hume - Araluen and Braidwood
Geraghty, Christopher -
Cooma 1864 Geraghty, John -
Cooma 1856
Geraghty, Thomas - Cooma c1860
Gerathy, Michael
- Cooma c1850
Gibbs, John - Queanbeyan 1840 Gibson, John Arthur -
Carrwong Station, Bombala c1884 
Giddings, Robert
- Cooma 1866

Gifford, George William - Queanbeyan 1855
Gilbert, James
- Coolringdon 1840
Gilbert, Thomas - Cathcart
Gildea, James
Mullenderee Moruya 1841
Gill, Charles Munro
- Cooma 1878
Gillard, Eli - Bega
Gillespie, John - Queanbeyan c1844
Gillespie, Michael -
Cobargo 1844 
Gilligan, John - Braidwood 1843
Gilligan, Michael - Braidwood 1846
Gillon, Robert - Rock Forest Run 1830's
Gillon, Thomas -
Rock Forest Run 1830's
Ginn, William - Gundaroo 1854
Ginn, William - Duntroon 1857 Girvan, Robert -
Queanbeyan 1857
Glanville, William -
Wambrook 1834
Glass, William Henry
- Bredbo 1850
Gleeson, John - Eden 1859
Gleeson, Joseph Matthew
- Cooma 1866
Gleeson, Mary - Monaro District
Glennan, John - Bombala c1843
Godber, James - Nimmitabel c1875 Goed, Peter
Goetz, Simon
- Bombala c1855
Goiser, Mary Emaline Ursula nee Lestner - Queanbeyan 1852
Golby, Bill & Pat
 Golby, Thomas -
Cooma 1872
 Goodman, George
1879 Adaminaby
Tom Sid
Goodwin, William
Gordon, James
Gordon, Mary Ann
Gordon, Robert
Gordon, Simon - Wolumla 1864
Gorman, Thomas - Cooma c1858

Goslett, William - Gundaroo 1847 Gottaas Elias - Biggam c1873
Goward, James Wright - Eden, 1852
Gowen, John -
Braidwood Gowing, Daniel - Bega c1850
Grace, James - Native Dog Flat c1854
Grace, Patrick - Yass 1846
Grady, James - Braidwood 1846
Grady, John - Queanbeyan - Limestone Flats c1842
Grady, Martin - Braidwood 1836
Grady, William - Adelong
Grant, Henry - Ironmongie c1858
Grant, Primiron Francis - Araluen 1845
Gray, George - Bungarby 1837
Gray, William - Moruya c1860
Gray, Margaret - Braidwood 1852 Grealy, John James - Wolumla c1846
Green, George - Bombowlee Tumut 1839
James Green, John
Green, John b1790 - Broulee 1844 Green, Thomas James - Cooma c1870
Greenwood, John - Braidwood 1838 Greer, Thomas - Monaro District c1849
Gregory, John - Yass 1845
Griffin, Henry - Queanbeyan
Griffin, Robert
- Braidwood c1856
Griffith, Robert - Cooma 1868
Griffiths, William - Araluen 1849
Griffiths, William - Queanbeyan 1851
Groves, George - Yass 1849
Groves, John
- Bombala c1856
Groves, Joseph -
Bombala c1856 Guise, Richard and William - Buluko [ Beloco] 1833
Henry George -
Ulladulla 1860 Gunn, Peter
William - Kiandra 1865
Guthrey, John
- Braidwood 1855
Guy, Francis
- Nelligen 1843 