Eden/Monaro Pioneer
Families Index
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the surname you are looking for: Names with the camera symbol indicate photos or images are available.
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Mackay, Donald
- Bombala c1857 Mackay, George - Kiandra 1861
Mackay, Samuel
Kiandra 1861
MacFarlane, George - Yass 1853
Mackellar, John - Braidwood 1853
MacKenzie, Lt. Colonel John Kenneth -
Summer Hill Run c1846
MacKenzie, William - Braidwood
Madden, James Leonard - Tumut
Maddrell, Robert John - Araluen
Madigan, John - Tumut 1849
Maher, Philip - Braidwood
Mahoney, Terence - Monaro
District c1846
Mahony, David - Cooma 1856
Main, David
- Cooma 1869
Main, John Somerville
- Cooma 1862
John - Nimmitybelle c1862
Malinn, John - "Cottage Creek" - "Boloco"
Mallon, John - Moruya
Malone, Bartholomew - Braidwood
Malone, Edward - Tumut
Malone, James - Braidwood
Maloney, Catherine -
Braidwood and Nimmitabel
Maloney, Jeremiah - Queanbeyan 1852
Mal(l)oy, Thomas - Yass
Mangan, John Lucas - Eden
Manning, Charles - Nimmitabel 1857
Manning, James Alexander Louis - Kameruka
Mansfield, William Henry - Cooma 1879
Maples, James - Monaro District 1846 
March, Thomas James - Gundaroo
March, Thomas
- Quidong via Bombala 1861
Marriott, Robert Thomas
- Monaro District c1839
Martin, James - Archers Flat 1836
Martin, John -
c1867, Bombala
Martin, Joseph - Bombala 1867
Martin, Mary Jane - Cooma 1867 Martin, Thomas Robinson - Delegate 1860
Maslin, John
Charles - "Gunningrah", Bombala
Mason, Robert William - Coolringdon 1860
Massy, Charles Alphonse JP - Gundaroo 1851
Masters, Charles - Gundaroo 1839
Matthews, Owen - Bells Creek, Araluen
William Ederidge - Cooma 1859
Mawson, James Jackson
May, David - Braidwood 1849
Mayo, Alfred - Queanbeyan 1846
Mayo, Joseph - Goulburn c1848
McAlister, John - Moruya 1842
McAlister, Thomas - Tumut
McAuliffe, Thomas - Yass
McBean, Alexander - Yass
McCarron, Andrew - Braidwood
McCarron, James
McCarthy, Johanna
Cooma c1850
McCarthy, William
William - Pambula c1854
McCawley, Robert - Queanbeyan
McClung, Alexander -
Bombala 1851
McColl, Angus - Paupong
McColl, Hugh
McCoy, Patrick - Cathcart, 1844
McCurley, William Henry - Foxlow
McDermott, Charles - Braidwood
McDonald, Alexander - Queanbeyan
Allan - c1842
Bombala McDonald, Angus Dougal - Nimmitabel c1850
McDonald, Angus and Isabella
Archibald - Queanbeyan
c1841 McDonald, Christina and Alexander
McDonald, David and Anne
McDonald, Donald and Mary McDonald, Dugald and Margaret - Square Range Nimmitabel 1842
McDonald, Duncan -
"Mohawk" Station, Nimmitabel c.1850
Duncan and Catherine
- Cooma 1840 McDonald, Ernest Frank - Bombala, 1888
McDonald, George
Cooma c1868 McDonald, Hector - Goulburn c1848
 McDonald, Henry
McDonald, Hugh and Sarah
McDonald, Janet and Hugh (Ewen)
McDonald, John and Sarah

McDonald, John - Bungendore 1846
Kenneth - Queanbeyan
McDonald, Marcella and Donald McDonald/Mother Mary McKillop
McDonald, Patrick - Cooma McDonald, Ronald and Kate
McDonald, Samuel -
Nimmitabel 1854 McDonald, William
- Goulburn c1866
McDonell, Colin - Tumut 1850
McDowall, William - Braidwood District
McEnally, William John - Queanbeyan 1853
McEvoy, James
McFadzean, William - Bungendore
McFarlane, Charles - Foxlow
McFarlane, James - Braidwood
McGillivray, Donald - Tumut
McGrade, Hugh - Bombala
McGrath, Bernard - Braidwood
McGrath, Bernard b1828 - Braidwood
McGrath, John - Mogo
McGrath, Mark - Braidwood 1850
McGrath, Patrick - Braidwood 1845
McGregor, Charles
McGregor, James - Braidwood
McGregor, John - Bega 1843
McGregor, John
McGregor, Malcolm
McGregor, Peter - Braidwood McGufficke, James -
Cootralantra c1847
McGuigan, Edward - Queanbeyan
McGuigan, Patrick - Bombala c1851
McInnes, Gilbert - Queanbeyan 1840
McIntosh, James b1784 - Queanbeyan
McIntosh, James - Queanbeyan
McIntosh, John - Moruya
McIntosh, William - Moruya
McIntyre, Duncan Alexander - Queanbeyan 1837
McIntyre, Edward -
Cooma 1864

McIntyre, James - Dalgety 1843
McIntyre, Peter - Queanbeyan 1844
McKay, James - Queanbeyan
McKeachie, Andrew Agnew - Nimmitabel c1861 McKeahnie, Charles Duncan - Adaminaby c1894
McKee, Joseph
McKee Photos
McKenny, Thomas - Braidwood
McKenzie, Colin - Tumut
McKeon, John - Moruya
McKinnon, Ewen - Tumut
McKinnon, Hugh - Broulee
McLaughlin, Patrick - Duntroon 1847
McLean, Allan - Moruya 1839
McLean, Dougald - Moruya 1842
McLennan, William - Bibbenluke
McLeod, Donald - Delegate c1855
McLeod, John - Bombala c1862
McMahon, Francis - Queanbeyan 1842
McMahon, James -
Cooma 1843
McMahon, John - Moruya 1851
McMahon, Michael
- Braidwood c1858
McMahon, Patrick - Reidsdale
McManus, John -
Monaro 1842
McMillan, Hector - 1862, Cooma
McMillan, James - Batemans Bay
McNally, Edward - Yass
McNamara, John - Gilmore Creek
McNamara, John b1813 - Burra
Michael - Queanbeyan 1861
Patrick - Bega c1843
McNamara, Patrick -
Queanbeyan 1851
McNaught, Alexander - Bega
McNee, Donald - Cathcart 1843

McNee, Hugh - Cathcart 1843

McPaul, Robert - Bega 1872
McPherson, Allan - Broulee and Araluen
McPherson, Duncan - Queanbeyan 1843
McPherson, Ewan - Canberra 1842
McPhee, Malcolm Alexander - Eden
McPhie, Archibald -
Cooma c1864
McRae, Donald
McRae, Finlay - Braidwood
McSpadden, John - Cooma c1846
McTavish, Donald - Moruya
McTernan, Hugh - Michelago 1849
Mead, Samuel - Eden 1844
Meaker, George Hayes -
Monaro 1855 
Mealing, James - Bombala
Meares, Edwin Allan - Broulee 1860
Medway, William James - Yass
Melville, Francis - Braidwood
Mepstead, Richard - Moruya 1852
Meredith, William - Queanbeyan 1844
Merrett, Henry - Coonhoongbula Station 1865
Merriman, George - Yass
Michell, John
- Cooma 1875
Miles, George - "Michaelago Station" 1854,
Miles, William - Stockyard Flats, 1856.
Henry - Ulladulla
Millard, Richard - Ulladulla
Millard, William - Ulladulla Miller, Francis
Mt Cooper c1859
Miller, Henry - Bega
Miller, Gustage T C
- Monaro Express 1873
John Muir -
- Bombala c1858
Minehan, James - Bombala
c1860 Miners, John
- Cooma 1854
Mitchell, Edward
- Eden c1856
 Mitchell, William -
Bega 1857
Mitchell, William b1802 - Yass
Monck, John - Bega c1857
Montague, Alexander - Cooma c1848
Montague, James -
Green Hills Station 1874
Moon, Frederick Robert -
Broulee c1844
Moon, Henry - Adelong Crossing
Mooney, James - Moruya
Mooney, John - Cooma
Mooney, Patrick Francis
Moorby, Samuel John Everton - Yass 1846
Moore, Edward - Monaro District c1845
Moore, John - Pambula 1860
Moore, Joshua John - Yangalara Run 1830's
Moore, Richard - Queanbeyan
Moore, Terence - Braidwood
Moore, Thomas - Bombala 1863
Moore, William and Jane
Moore, William - Queanbeyan
Moor(e)head, James - Candelo
and Wolumla c1856
Moran, Thomas - Eden 1860
Moreing, Thomas -
Taylor's Flat c1855
Morgan, Phillip - Cooma 1884
Morris, William - Araluen
Morris, William James - Braidwood
Patrick - Cooma c1860
Morrison, George
Thomas - Delegate 1858
John - 1864
Queanbeyan Morrison, Thomas William - Delegate 1855
Mortlock Genealogy
Mortlock, Arthur - Blacksprings c1879
Mortlock, Catharine - 1867, Colington
Mortlock, Daniel - 1865, Colington
Mortlock, Eliza
- Billilingra c1879
Mortlock, George
- 1875 in Murrumbucka
Mortlock, John Thomas - c1873, Billilingra
Mortlock, Richard - 1870 in Murrumbucka
Mortlock, Susan - 1872 in Murrumbucka
Mortlock, Thomas - Maneroo c1843
Mortlock, William
- c1886, 'The Valley', Bredbo
Moses, Abraham - Reed's Flat 1838
Motbey, John Charles - Wandella
Mould, George Y -
Geekle Run 1842
Mould William Richard -
Buckenderry 1853
 Mould, Ron
Mowle, Stewart Marjoribanks - Queanbeyan 1846 Mudie, John -
Burrangandra c1853
Mugridge, Hugh
Muir, James -
Cooma c1858
Henry A. A. - Bombala c1873
Muldoon, Thomas - Queanbeyan Mulhearn, John
Nimmitabel 1851
Mullane, Patrick
Eden c1869
Mulligan, Cornelius - Yass
Munday, James - Queanbeyan
Munro, Alexander Murdo - Bega
Murdoch, John
- Delegate c1840

Murphy, Edmond - Moruya
Murphy, Edward - Tumut
Murphy, Edward - Queanbeyan
Murphy, George - Moruya
Murphy, Henry - Bungendore
Murphy, James
Dalgety 1838 Murphy, John
Murphy, John b1821 - Bombala 1855
Murphy Family
Murphy, Mary
Murphy, Mary Ann - Monaro
Murphy, Michael - Queanbeyan
Murphy, Thomas - Bungendore
Murray, Robert - Eden
Mustard, William -
Bendoc,Vic 1870
Mutch, John H
- Delegate 1856
Myers, Alexander - Tumut
Myers, David -
Mylan, John - Cooma 1856
