Eden/Monaro Pioneer
Families Index
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the surname you are looking for: Names with the camera symbol indicate photos or images are available.
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Dailhoux, Gabriel - Yass 1859
Daly, John - Braidwood
Dallas, John - Braidwood c1859
Daniel, Edward - Bungendore
Daniel, Henry - Queanbeyan 1861
Darby, Charles - Queanbeyan
Darke, William - Braidwood 1853
John - Queanbeyan Darragh, Felix - Rocky Hall c1860
Davey, John
- Bombala 1862
Davey, William Thomas - Bombala Davidson, Alexander W - Cowra Creek 1842
Davidson, Duncan - Goulburn c1846
Davis, Frederick Alexander - Cathcart 1866
Davis, Henry - Yass 1853
Davis, James - Yass 1839
Davis, Joseph - Eden 1842
Davis, Joshua - Braidwood
Davis, Noah - Gundaroo 1841
Davis, William - Yass 1843
Dawking, John
- Cooma 1861
Dawson, George - Braidwood 1841
Dawson, James
- Cooma 1887
Dawson, Robert - Jillamatong Station 1839
Dawson, William L - Cooma c1850
Day, George - Monaro 1840
Day, George - Eden c1859
Day, James - Tumut 1855
Day, John - Monaro 1850
Day, Marcellas - Bega 1862
Day, Patrick - Cooma 1873
Charles Henry - Cathcart 1870
De Costa, George - Bombala c1868
 Deegan, Stephen - Berridale c1875
Deeney, Neil - Bombala 1859 Delaney, Fintan - Monaro 1846
Delany, James - Little River, Monaro c1847  De Lissa, Benjamin - Cooma Auctioneer 1859
Delves, David - Nimmitabel 1850
Dempsey, Cornelius - Emu Flats 1834
Dempsey, James - Emu Flats 1834
Denley, Joshua - Cooma c1867
Denny, Francis
- Cathcart c1855 Dent, William - Bombala c1854 
De Salis, Leopold Fabius Dietegan Fane - Darbalara
near Gundagai 1844 Devereux, James - Black Springs 1856
Devonshire, Abraham - Bungendore
Dister/Dester Orphans - Eden 1855
Dodds, Edward -
Cooma 1866 Doggett, Patrick
Donald, George - Yass c1851
Donnelly, William - Moruya
Donoghoe, James - Bungendore c1858
Donoghoe, John - Bungendore c1855
Donovan, Timothy - Moruya
Doolan, Patrick - Braidwood 1846 Dorl, John Christian Charles
- Bombala 1866
Douch, John
- "Aston Creek", Bombala c1843
Dowling, Owen - Braidwood, 1850
Downey, John (Downing) - Tumut
Downing, Robert - Tumut 1844
Doyle, John - Queanbeyan c1845
Doyle, Thomas
- Wog Wog 1853
Driscoll, Daniel - Monaro District c1841
Driscoll, Hugh
Driscoll, Timothy
- Monaro District c1842
Druitt, Rev Thomas
Drummond, James -
Nimmitabel c1903
Drury, Thomas - Braidwood and Nelligen
Dudley, William Harvey - Bombala 1851
Duff, Eliza nee Duley nee Mehegan - Queanbeyan
Duffell, Thomas Joseph - Cooma 1872
Duffey, James - Yass 1841 Dummett, William - Bega 1877
Duncan, Daniel - Monaro District 1849
Dunn, James - Wolumla 1853
James - Majors Creek 1854
Dunn, John - Queanbeyan 1843
Dunn, Robert - Braidwood 1853
Dunn, Thomas
Dunn, William - Cooma 1860 Dunning, William B
Brothers, William Hampden and Frederick Hansborough -
Goodradigbee 1831
Dutton, Pelham John Richard -
Wambrook 1839
Dyball, Mark - Cooma 1856