Eden/Monaro Pioneer
Families Index
Select the first letter of
the surname you are looking for: Names with the camera symbol indicate photos or images are available.
B, C,
D, E,
F, G,
H, I,
J, K,
L, M,
N, O,
P, Q,
R, S,
T, U,
V, W,
X, Y,
Packett, Charles
- Tumut
Packett, William John
- Tumut
Page, Adam Kirkaldy
- Eden
Parbery, Henry John - Moruya
Archibald -
Cooma 1856
Parker, Edward Harwood
Parker, John
Burnima, Bombala 1842

Parker, Samuel
- Monaro District 1850
Parker, William
- Canberra c1843
Parker, William b1816 - Adelong
Parkes, Isaac -
Rock Flat 1840

Parry-Okeden, David
- Marranumbla station, Dalgety c1840
Pass, William Johnson Simons - Braidwood
Paton, Joseph Howard
Pattemore, John - Milton
Paterson, Henry
- Gunning
Patterson, William
- 'Bullenamang'
Pattrick, Thomas
Cooma 1861
Payne, Charles - Braidwood
Payne, George Sydney
- Dignams Creek
Payne, John William
- Dignams Creek
Joseph - Merimbula
Peel, Henry William
- Batlow
Pegram, John -
Cooma c1863

Pegrem, David - Yass
Peisley, Charles
Bombala 1868
Peisley, John Harbison - Eden 1868
Pender, James - Ulladulla
Pendergast, John b1769 - Moonbah
Pendergast, John Jnr
b1801 - Berrydale c1865
Pendergast, Patrick b1813 -
Penney, James -
Bungendore c1840
Perabo, Jacob F -
Nimmitabel c1877
Percival, Thomas - Tumut 1841
Perfect, John
- Tumut
Perkins, Edward
- Tumut 1872
Perkins, Edward Charles - Gundagai
Perry, James
- Bega 1864
Perry, Mark
- Eden 1859
Perry, Peter Hepburn
- Moruya c1843
Perry, Thomas - Araluen 1853

Peters, John
- Bolaro c1846, Nimmitabel c1857
Peters, Joseph - Bungarby near Bombala 1845
Pheeney, William
- Cooma 1853

James - Cooma
Phillips, Peter
- Cooma 1855
Phillips, Samuel - Cooma
Piety, Richard
- Moruya
Pike, Martin
- Tuggeranong
Piper, Samuel - Bombowlee Creek
Piper, Thomas
- Tumut
Piper, William
- Bombowlee
Pirie, Andrew - Yass
Plaat, Hank van der
Platts, William and Samuel
Pleydell, John
Maharatta near Bombala 1848
Plowright, John - Aston c1859
Plumb, William
Henry - Eden 1866
Plummer, Peter - Quenabeyan
Plunkett, George
Nimmitabel c1858
Pollard, Benjamin - Yass
Pollard, William
- Dalton
Joseph -

Pooley, Robert
- Goulburn and Queanbeyan
Porter, Anne -
Mila, Bombala c1884
Porter, James
- Eden 1840
Porter, Letitia Jane - Bombala c1884
Porter, Lot Beardsley - Bombala c1888
Porter, Mary (nee
- Bega c1856
Porter, Sarah Georgiana -
Bombala c1884
Potter, Charles
- "Jones Plain" 1860
Potter, George Thomas -
Yass c1848
Thomas James
- Cooma c1870
Povey, William -
Cooma c1876
Powell, Edward - Majors Creek
Power, James
- Cooma c1873
Power, John
- 1842 Wyndham

Power, Michael
- 1848, Boyd Town

Power, Thomas and Mathew
- Cooma c1867

Power, Thomas
Cooma c1859

Prescott, William Wycherley - Eden
Primmer Family
- Cooma c1869
Privett, James
- Yass c1853
Pruss, John (Johann)
- Bega 1861
Pryce, Edward Gifford
- Cooma 1843 
Pryke, John
- Eden c1867
Purcell, Charles Frederick
- Adelong
