Eden/Monaro Pioneer
Families Index
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Earle, Albert Edward
Ebsworth, John - Braidwood 1844
Ebzery Family
- Braidwood
Thomas - Bulga Creek
1850 Eccleston, George - Frying Pan c1843
 Eccleston, Henry John - Cooma c1859
Edmonds, John -
Monaro District 1841
Edmonds, John Henry -
Queanbeyan 1840 Edwards, Captain John Alexander
Egan, Timothy - Moruya 1838
Eggleton, Thomas - Tumut 1851 Eldridge, Jeremiah - Woolway c1850
Elphick, Richard - Majors Creek c1853
Elliott, James - Moruya 1842
Elliott, John
- Boloco 1860
Elliott, John Thomas - Bombala c1872
Elliott, Martha nee Christie nee Canovan - Moruya
Elliott, Owen Eugene - Gundaroo Elliott, Robert Gordon - Bukalong 1880
Elliott, Samuel - Duntroon 1843
Elliott, William
- Bombala 1846
Eltherington, George Jackson - Bermagui 1854
Elton, Charles Campbell - Bombala c1838
Emery, James -
Tumut c1863
Engelmann, Heinrich -
Cooma c1861
Epplestun, John - Delegate 1872
Eustace, Jesse
Bombala c1856
Evans Family
Evans, Robert
- Berridale c1861
Everett, George
Ewart, James -
1893, Cooma
William Walter - Milton