Eden/Monaro Pioneer
Families Index
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the surname you are looking for: Names with the camera symbol indicate photos or images are available.
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Kaufline, Vincent John - Bombala c1862
Kauter, Stephen
- Pambula c1866
Michael - Bombala 1870
Kay, Joseph - Queanbeyan 1844
Kearns, Paul - Yass District 1845
Keating, Michael - Buckleys Crossing c1866
Keefe, William - Arable near Cooma c1839
Keef(f)e, Michael James - Queanbeyan c1842
Keeling, Abraham - Batemans Bay area
Keeling, George
- Numeralla 1859
Keevers, Edward -
Bega c1880

Keevil, John - Araluen 1852
Keevil, Thomas - Ballalaba Keith, James Watson -
Eden 1854
Keir, Duncan - Duntroon 1855
Michael - Cooma 1861
Kellond, George - Bombala c1858
Kelly, David - Cooma 1869
Kelly, James - Cooma 1860

Kelly, John
- Queanbeyan 1856

Kelly, Michael - Michelago c1850
Kelly, Patrick - Michelago c1850
Kelly, Thomas - Jingera 1836
Kelly, Thomas - Braidwood 1854
Kelly, William
- Cooma 1857
Kelly, William - Michelago c1872
Kemp, George - Araluen
Kemp, Henry Gibson
- Tumut 1851
Kendal, John - Moruya 1843
Edward - Ulladulla Kennedy, John
- Cooma
1859 Kennedy, Nicholas Joseph Coffey
- Cooma 1863 Kennedy, William
1858 Cooma
Kennedy, William
Francis - Bega 1871
Kennelly, Jeremiah - Gilmore
Keown, James - Tumut
Kershaw, George - Braidwood
Kershaw, James - Tumut c1841
Kershaw, James - Gundaroo 1857
Kershaw, William Augustus - Braidwood 1856
Kerrison, Stephen -
Bombala c1854
Kesterton, Henry Coleman - Bombala Keys,
John - Eden 1863
Keyte, Joseph - Braidwood
Kidman, William -
Gegedzerick c1847
Kiley, William - Tumut 1847
Kilgour, Alexander - Eden
Killeen, Timothy - Yass
Kilmartin, John - Braidwood
Kimbell, Erasmus Darwin - Cooma 1865
Kimber, George
- Bombala 1865 Kimber, Robert Antone
Samuel Kimpton - Moruya 1857
King, George - Numeralla 1846
King, George - Braidwood
King, John - Queanbeyan 1842
Kinlyside, George - Queanbeyan
Kinlyside, Thomas - Queanbeyan
Kirby, Edmund - Bodalla
Kirby, Philip James - Broulee and Bega
Kirk, Alexander
- Eden 1858
Kirk, William - Round Plain
Kirkland, Henry
James - Bega District c1840

Kirkland, James - Bega
Kirwan, James - Cooma 1836
Kiss, James (William) -
Nimmitabel c1835
Knaggs, Richard -
Braidwood 1844
Knight, George
- Bombala 1876
Knox, William - Moruya
Kobold Family
Koellner, Georg Nikolaus - Berridale c1868
 Koellner, Johann Peter
- Rocky Plain near Adaminaby 1868

Koerber, Elias
- Eden 1863
 Koppman, Claus - Numerella 1862
Kyle, Andrew -
Bombala c1842 